Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
kernel density estimation based background subtraction algorithm [1] with a command line interface. this algorithm is a somewhat improved version of [2].
the kmovingobjdetector class within the project is originally written by birant orten who has graciously allowed me to use his code. i just modified it to suit my purposes. so, if you use any material from this program you should refer both [1] and [2] apart from this web-page.
if you compile with __OPENCV__ flag, you ll be able to open avi files. without this flag, you will be able to open just ppm images. the usage.txt explains the input specifications.
source code v1.0 //Jul 08, 2008 00:15+0200
[1] orten b., soysal m., alatan a.a., "person identification in surveillance video by combining mpeg-7 experts", april 2005- montreux- switzerland
[2] elgammal a., harwood d., and davis l., "non-parametric model for background subtraction". in proc. ieee iccv 1