Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The thresho ld ing method based 2-D max imum entropy and the one based on 2-D m inimum cross
entropy are used w ide ly in im age segmentation today, bu t in some app lications, they fa il to segment im ages
because of too h igh or too low thresho lds. Therefore, we proposed an im age thresho ld ing m ethod based on
the comb ination of 2-D max imum entropy and 2-D m inimum cross entropy. Firstly, the formula of the 2-D
m in imum cross entropy w as transfo rmed, then 2-D max imum entropy and 2-D m inimum cross entropy w ere
combined together usingmult-i objective prog ramm ing theory so that the optima l thresho ld value could satisfy
the threshold requirem ent of the bo th. A new recursive algo rithm w as in ferred using the features o f the 2-D
h istogram in order to search the best thresho ld vecto r and to reduce the compu ting complex ity