Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Batch printing work permit, which is a Delphi source code, using the Access database, the program can achieve Name Find a personal work permit and print can also print a work permit for all. This case is to to control written Qreport Print Print templates, use the QRLable label control, QRDBText, the data text controls, QRShape, graphical controls. Note: the caller s number and the number of queries must be one to inaccurate or query customer information.
Delphi batch printing work permit implementation process:
(1) to create a new standard project, to create a new form, default named the Form1.
(2) BDE Standard tab, select two GroupBox controls on the Form1 form and set the the properties for alLeft alClient Align.
Align property (3) in the BDE Data Controls tab, select two DBGrid control were placed in two GroupBox and set the DBGrid alClient.
(4) BDE Standard tab, select Panel control on the Form1 form, and set the Align attribute alBottom.
(5) in the Standard tab in the BDE B