Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
GrabCut implementation source code
by Justin Talbot,
Placed in the Public Domain, 2010
Code last updated, 2006
Uses Graphcut implementation by Vladimir Kolmogorov (, 2001.
Requires: OpenGL, GLUT, and OpenCV libraries to compile and run.
Usage: grabcut.exe <ppm filename>
Use mouse to drag a rectangle around the foreground portion of the displayed image.
Then use the following keys
1 : Show image
2 : Show GMM component assignment. Red shades are foreground components green are background components.
3 : Show N-link weights. White is a large average N-link weight around a pixel, black is a low average N-link weight.
4 : Show T-link weights. Red component is foreground T-link weight, green component is background T-link weight.
(space bar): Show/hide the computed alpha mask.
o : Run one step of the GrabCut refinement algorithm
r : Run the GrabCut refinement algorithm to convergence.
l : Run the Orchard-