Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Quick Change, JP Flathead s Grocery Store hires cheap labor to man the checkout stations. The people h ires (usually high school kids) often make mistakes making change for the customers. Flathead, who sa bit of a tightwad, figures he loses more money from these mistakes than he makes that is, the employees tend to give more change to the customers than they should get.Flathead wants you to write a program that calculates the number of quarters ($ 0.25), dimes ($ 0.10), nickels ($ 0.05) and pennies ($ 0.01) that the customer should get back. Flathead always wants to give the customer s change in coins if the amount due back is $ 5.00 or under. He also wants to give the customers back the smallest total number of coins. For example , if the change due back is $ 1.24, the customer should receive 4 quarters, 2 dimes, 0 nickels, and 4 pennies
Packet : 61549839quickchange.rar filelist