Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Wireless sensor network localization using wireless transmission model, Regular Model, Logarithmic Attenuation Model, DOI Model, RIM Model
Achieve functional distance and transmission attenuation swap
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Regular Model~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In this model, the radio range is a circle
e.g, RSS=Pt-Pl(d0)-10*η*log10(dist/d0)
Pt:transmit power
pl(d0):the pass loss for a reference distance of d0
ηis the path loss exponent
above parameters are saved in ../Parameters_Of_Models.mat
dist:distance between sender and receiver(m)
typical value:Pt=0-4dBm(max),Pl(d0)=55dB(d0=1m),η(2~4)=4(indoor,outdoor)
~~~~~~~~Logarithmic Attenuation Model~~~~~~~~~
In this model, the radio range is a circle