Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
VC++ Entry a good example, easy to learn, There are several procedures, you can then make a step by step
Packet : 97288437mfcfromxx.rar filelist
MFC from xx\sjq\ReadMe.txt
MFC from xx\money\ReadMe.txt
MFC from xx\Key\ReadMe.txt
MFC from xx\meun\ReadMe.txt
MFC from xx\hello\ReadMe.txt
MFC from xx\mouse\ReadMe.txt
MFC from xx\hello\hello.h
MFC from xx\hello\helloDoc.h
MFC from xx\hello\helloView.h
MFC from xx\Key\Key.h
MFC from xx\Key\KeyDoc.h
MFC from xx\Key\KeyView.h
MFC from xx\meun\MainFrm.h
MFC from xx\hello\MainFrm.h
MFC from xx\Key\MainFrm.h
MFC from xx\mouse\MainFrm.h
MFC from xx\meun\meun.h
MFC from xx\meun\meunDoc.h
MFC from xx\meun\meunView.h
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.h
MFC from xx\money\MONEYDlg.h
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.h
MFC from xx\mouse\mouseDoc.h
MFC from xx\mouse\mouseView.h
MFC from xx\money\NumToHan.h
MFC from xx\meun\pp.h
MFC from xx\meun\qq.h
MFC from xx\Key\Resource.h
MFC from xx\hello\Resource.h
MFC from xx\mouse\Resource.h
MFC from xx\money\resource.h
MFC from xx\meun\resource.h
MFC from xx\sjq\resource.h
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.h
MFC from xx\sjq\sjqDlg.h
MFC from xx\hello\StdAfx.h
MFC from xx\Key\StdAfx.h
MFC from xx\meun\StdAfx.h
MFC from xx\money\StdAfx.h
MFC from xx\mouse\StdAfx.h
MFC from xx\sjq\StdAfx.h
MFC from xx\hello\hello.cpp
MFC from xx\hello\helloDoc.cpp
MFC from xx\hello\helloView.cpp
MFC from xx\Key\Key.cpp
MFC from xx\Key\KeyDoc.cpp
MFC from xx\Key\KeyView.cpp
MFC from xx\Key\MainFrm.cpp
MFC from xx\hello\MainFrm.cpp
MFC from xx\mouse\MainFrm.cpp
MFC from xx\meun\MainFrm.cpp
MFC from xx\meun\meun.cpp
MFC from xx\meun\meunDoc.cpp
MFC from xx\meun\meunView.cpp
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.cpp
MFC from xx\money\MONEYDlg.cpp
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.cpp
MFC from xx\mouse\mouseDoc.cpp
MFC from xx\mouse\mouseView.cpp
MFC from xx\money\NumToHan.cpp
MFC from xx\meun\pp.cpp
MFC from xx\meun\qq.cpp
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.cpp
MFC from xx\sjq\sjqDlg.cpp
MFC from xx\Key\StdAfx.cpp
MFC from xx\sjq\StdAfx.cpp
MFC from xx\meun\StdAfx.cpp
MFC from xx\hello\StdAfx.cpp
MFC from xx\money\StdAfx.cpp
MFC from xx\mouse\StdAfx.cpp
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\hello.exe
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\Key.exe
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\meun.exe
MFC from xx\money\Debug\MONEY.exe
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\mouse.exe
MFC from xx\sjq\Debug\sjq.exe
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\hello.obj
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\helloDoc.obj
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\helloView.obj
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\Key.obj
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\KeyDoc.obj
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\KeyView.obj
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\MainFrm.obj
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\MainFrm.obj
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\MainFrm.obj
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\MainFrm.obj
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\meun.obj
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\meunDoc.obj
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\meunView.obj
MFC from xx\money\Debug\MONEY.obj
MFC from xx\money\Debug\MONEYDlg.obj
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\mouse.obj
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\mouseDoc.obj
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\mouseView.obj
MFC from xx\money\Debug\NumToHan.obj
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\pp.obj
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\qq.obj
MFC from xx\sjq\Debug\sjq.obj
MFC from xx\sjq\Debug\sjqDlg.obj
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\StdAfx.obj
MFC from xx\sjq\Debug\StdAfx.obj
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\StdAfx.obj
MFC from xx\money\Debug\StdAfx.obj
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\StdAfx.obj
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\StdAfx.obj
MFC from xx\hello\res\Toolbar.bmp
MFC from xx\Key\res\Toolbar.bmp
MFC from xx\meun\res\Toolbar.bmp
MFC from xx\mouse\res\Toolbar.bmp
MFC from xx\Key\Key.aps
MFC from xx\meun\meun.aps
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.APS
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.aps
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.aps
MFC from xx\hello\hello.clw
MFC from xx\Key\Key.clw
MFC from xx\meun\meun.clw
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.clw
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.clw
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.clw
MFC from xx\hello\hello.dsp
MFC from xx\Key\Key.dsp
MFC from xx\meun\meun.dsp
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.dsp
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.dsp
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.dsp
MFC from xx\hello\hello.dsw
MFC from xx\Key\Key.dsw
MFC from xx\meun\meun.dsw
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.dsw
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.dsw
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.dsw
MFC from xx\hello\res\hello.ico
MFC from xx\hello\res\helloDoc.ico
MFC from xx\Key\res\Key.ico
MFC from xx\Key\res\KeyDoc.ico
MFC from xx\meun\res\meun.ico
MFC from xx\meun\res\meunDoc.ico
MFC from xx\money\res\MONEY.ico
MFC from xx\mouse\res\mouse.ico
MFC from xx\mouse\res\mouseDoc.ico
MFC from xx\sjq\res\sjq.ico
MFC from xx\hello\hello.ncb
MFC from xx\Key\Key.ncb
MFC from xx\meun\meun.ncb
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.ncb
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.ncb
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.ncb
MFC from xx\hello\hello.opt
MFC from xx\Key\Key.opt
MFC from xx\meun\meun.opt
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.opt
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.opt
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.opt
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\hello.pdb
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\Key.pdb
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\meun.pdb
MFC from xx\money\Debug\MONEY.pdb
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\mouse.pdb
MFC from xx\sjq\Debug\sjq.pdb
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\vc60.pdb
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\vc60.pdb
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\vc60.pdb
MFC from xx\money\Debug\vc60.pdb
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\vc60.pdb
MFC from xx\sjq\Debug\vc60.pdb
MFC from xx\hello\hello.plg
MFC from xx\Key\Key.plg
MFC from xx\meun\meun.plg
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.plg
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.plg
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.plg
MFC from xx\hello\hello.rc
MFC from xx\Key\Key.rc
MFC from xx\meun\meun.rc
MFC from xx\money\MONEY.rc
MFC from xx\mouse\mouse.rc
MFC from xx\sjq\sjq.rc
MFC from xx\hello\res\hello.rc2
MFC from xx\Key\res\Key.rc2
MFC from xx\meun\res\meun.rc2
MFC from xx\money\res\MONEY.rc2
MFC from xx\mouse\res\mouse.rc2
MFC from xx\sjq\res\sjq.rc2
MFC from xx\hello\Debug\hello.res
MFC from xx\Key\Debug\Key.res
MFC from xx\meun\Debug\meun.res
MFC from xx\money\Debug\MONEY.res
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug\mouse.res
MFC from xx\sjq\Debug\sjq.res
MFC from xx\hello\Debug
MFC from xx\Key\Debug
MFC from xx\meun\Debug
MFC from xx\money\Debug
MFC from xx\mouse\Debug
MFC from xx\sjq\Debug
MFC from xx\hello\res
MFC from xx\Key\res
MFC from xx\meun\res
MFC from xx\money\res
MFC from xx\mouse\res
MFC from xx\sjq\res
MFC from xx\hello
MFC from xx\Key
MFC from xx\meun
MFC from xx\money
MFC from xx\mouse
MFC from xx\sjq
MFC from xx