Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Abstract:In tlle naditional e)【芒IlIlplaur-b鹊ed a1剃tllm,tlle image completion dfect is伊eady degraded due to me fixed
patch-size,which caIInot chaIlge togetller witll蛐image跏tomatically in the pmcess of completing. S0 in this p印er we
pr叩ose aJl ad印tive patch—size deterIIlining metIlod to solve山is problem. By蜘alyzing t11e image ch舳ges in the删ient
domain, this method acquires the stnlctIlre iIlfbn聃tion of each pixel, 明d tllen automatically adjusts tIle patch-size. The
simul砒ion resIllts show tll砒thi8 Ine山od can overcome many shortcoIIlings 0f旬raditional methods, such as stmctu朋1 enDr
propagation and whole stlllctllre loss,and realizes perfbct completion drect for images witll obvious changed stnlcture.
Key words:image completion;texture syntIlesis;adaptive patch size;铲adient field