Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Gaussian mixture model using K (essentially 3-5) Gaussian model to characterize the features of each pixel in the image, in the image of the new frame for updated Gaussian mixture model, with each pixel in the image with a Gaussian mixture current model matching, if successful, determined that the point of the background points, otherwise the former attraction. Throughout the entire Gaussian model, he mainly has two parameters determine the variance and the mean, the mean and variance of the study, to take a different learning mechanism, will directly affect the stability, accuracy and convergence model. Since we are moving object extraction of the background modeling, so the need for the Gaussian model variance and mean two parameters real-time updates. In order to improve the learning ability of the model, an improved method for updating the mean and variance of different learning rates to improve in the busy scene, large and slow moving object detection results, the introduction of