Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
function [ue, un] = LW_utux0_2 (v, dt, t) A simple hyperbolic partial differential equation: ut+ ux = 0 initial conditions: u (x, 0) = exp [- 10 (4x-1) ^ 2] of the boundary conditions: u (-1, t) = 0, u (1, t) = 0 of the required title: using the Lax-Windroff format, select v = 0.5, calculate and draw when dt = 0.01 and 0.0025, equation t = 0.5, x numerical solution at (-1,1) and the exact solution when input: v- that is a* dt/dx dt-- the time-step numerical format t- the time to be solved Output: ue- 1N exact solution at time t matrix un- 1N numerical solution matrix of the output image at time t : image and numerical solutions of the exact solution