Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
we present a practical link adaptation
algorithm for MIMO-OFDM systems. The proposed solution is
based on sounding the channel periodically and choosing the
optimal mode that will maximize the throughput or energy
efficiency (EE) while satisfying the application’s quality of service
(QoS) requirements. In addition, we address practical problems
such as the computational complexity of the algorithm and
determination of sounding period by novel closed form solutions
and iterative algorithms. Realistic link level simulations confirm
that the proposed solution achieves significant improvement
over existing link adaptation algorithms when the aim is to
maximize the throughput, and provides orders of magnitude
gain in energy efficiency compared to poorly chosen fixed modes
when used for energy efficiency maximization purposes. The
resulting algorithms are implemented on a real time MIMOOFDM testbed, and we report on the experimental results.