Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
In order to computing e lectr ica l no ise singu la rity fast and reliable, propo sed a new mult-i fracta l based e lec trical
no ise s ingular computationa lme thod. Used new methods to ex trac tmu lt-i fractal no ise, cou ld be exp ressed in the signa l cha racter
istics of the interna l de ta ils o f singu la r po in tsHê lder index by ana ly zing e lec trica l no ise inHê lder index for the difference in
no ise ana lys is. Th ismethod o fm ig ration and optocoupler electrical no ise analysis show s thatm ig ra tion, the late singu larity index
w ill happen andmutation w ill be a fter the opening o f aluminum good optocoupler devices and faulty dev ices in the average
no iseHê lder index significant d ifference. The expermi enta l resu lts show that th ismethod in the e lectrical no ise signa ls in the
computation and ana lys is o f very practica .l It is a fast and re liab le electr ica l no ise singu la rity computa tiona lmethod.