Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The functions of MATLAB in image processing and numerical calculation were am—
ployed to process the images of atmosphere sniffable particles obtained by the field emission
scanning electron microscope (FESEM )。W ith the M ATLAB program,the binary images of
the particles border were acquired,the numbers of a series of square blocks whose lengths were
different pixel quantities to cover the binary image were counted,and the box-counting di—
mensions of these images were calculated according to the mathematics relationship of the pixel
quantities and the numbers of square blocks.The results showed that the processing of fractal
images by M ATLAB is simple and convenient,and the calculating results of fractal dimensions
tested by some fractal curves such as the Koch curve and the Sierpinski gasket are accurate and
believable The particles with different irregularities have different fractal dimensions,and the
sources and transport processes of particles can be indicated by their