Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The multi-channel temperature patrol instrument uses the STM32 with cortex-M3 core ad the main controller, cooperated with digital temperature-sensor,wireless data transmission device NRF24L01,a LCD screen,LED and keys.The temperature sensor DS18B20 realized the communication with STM32 by using 1-wire technology.The device one using the wireless data transmission device passes the temperature information gathered to the device two.The CPU of the device two will compare the temperature information received with the warning temperature seted before.The LED is lighted if the temperature is beyond the warning temperature ,and the temperature information is displayed to the TFTLCD to realize temperature human interaction.The keys is used to set the device one or two:if the key1 is pressed,the device is seted to delivery mode.if the key0 is pressed,the device is seted to send mode.The error message will displayed on the LCD,if the device can not receiving or sending.
Boot automatical