Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are on the verge of revolutionizing
digital signal processing in the manner that programmable digital signal processors (PDSPs) did nearly two decades ago. Many front-end digital signal
processing (DSP) algorithms, such as FFTs, FIR or IIR filters, to name just
a few, previously built with ASICs or PDSPs, are now most often replaced
by FPGAs. Modern FPGA families provide DSP arithmetic support with
fast-carry chains (Xilinx Virtex, Altera FLEX) that are used to implement
multiply-accumulates (MACs) at high speed, with low overhead and low costs
[1]. Previous FPGA families have most often targeted TTL “glue logic” and
did not have the high gate count needed for DSP functions. The efficient
implementation of these front-end algorithms is the main goal of this book.