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  • Category : SCM
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  • Update : 2016-06-20
  • Size : 28kb
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  • Author :杨***
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
=== === === === === === === === == === === = 3. Proportional voltage converter requirements: the A/D and D/A to achieve the A/D input voltage inverse transform function, namely the A/D input voltage change 0-5V, D/A output voltage corresponding change from+5V-0V. Control functions: the potentiometer simulation chamber on W1 generate 0-5V voltage input to the ADC0809 channel 0. Use 74LS393 After pulse 4MHz crystal oscillator frequency as ADC0809 eighth clock signal the main components used: 8031,6MHz crystal, 74LS373,74LS138,2764, 4MHz crystal, 74LS04,74LS393, ADC0809, DAC0832 , LM324, potentiometer W1 and the like. Results show: ① ADC0809 oscilloscope to check whether the clock frequency of 500KHz. ② Turn the potentiometer W1 if a voltage of 0-5V, digital multimeter to measure the D/A output 5 → 0V change. ③ make W1 output voltage 0V to 0.5V increments measured D/A output voltage and recorded. Try to analyze the causes of error.
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比例电压变换器(课设题目,适用于Proteus 7.72)\3.ASM
比例电压变换器(课设题目,适用于Proteus 7.72)
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