Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
High imitation Jingdong Mall source is a set based on Android Jingdong Mall high imitation using the latest version of the program source code, the realization of the home page, search page, category page, shopping page, personal center register, application settings page of the UI layout imitation. UI imitation illumination can be achieved 80 . turned over to look at the source code to achieve a shake shake, two-dimensional code scanning shopping and other functions. Other features are not implemented for the time being, just pure layout. The 3D commodity carousel module can drag your finger, flip effect is very beautiful. The resource file in the project is the Android client of the Jingdong. Two-dimensional code with the zxing. The latest source joined the two-dimensional code, login validation, and start page to look at the friends can be downloaded.