Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Based on the color characteristics of the body remodeling vc source. The algorithmidentifies a special set of invariant voxels which together form a spatial and photometric reconstructionof the scene, fully consistent with the input images. The approach is evaluated with images from both inward-facing and outward-facing cameras.
Packet : 13898351vox_color.rar filelist
vox_color\Photorealistic Scene Reconstruction by Voxel Coloring.pdf
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\augmentation-process.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\dynamic2.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\input.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\multi.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\naive-correct.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\occlusion.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\performance-sm.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\realtime.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\static.gif
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files\Thumbs.db
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.files
vox_color\Real-Time Voxel Coloring.htm