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Find the number of square returns between 1-20000
The number of palindromes is also known as symmetry, that is, the number of each digit of such a number of symmetry, such as 12121, usually, you can use any number and its inverse number is added, followed by the implementation of the next to get, for example: 96+69 165 , 165+ 561 726, 726+ 627 1353, 1353+ 3531 4884. However, there are certain numbers that have not been verified so far as to obtain the number of palindromes, such as the number 196, by the above operation. Square palindrome is the number of such palindrome that is the number, but also the square of a natural number, such as 121, is the square of 11, but also palindrome number. You can write a program to get the square palindrome by traversing.