Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The applicatio n of wave let transform in digital imag e processing is one o f the ty pical applications of wavelet transform .The w avelet transform is introduced fo r the lack o f Fourier tr ansfo rm in the sig nal analysis , the definitio n and types of the wavelet transform ar e pro po sed briefly , and its proper ties and Mallat alg orithm a re analy zed .Fo ur kinds o f applicationsof wavelet transfo rm in dig ita l image pro ce ssing ar e summarized(imag e compr essio n, image denoising , image enhancement and image fusion based o n w avele t tr ansfo rm), the processe s and char acte ristics of this fo ur kinds of applicatio ns are analyzed,meanw hile the co r respo nding Ma tlab ex pe riment and simulatio n ar e made .Ex perimental results show that it is practical, simple , convenient a nd effective , and has a stro ng practical value and a g oo d applicatio n pro spects for the wavele t transform in digital image pro cessing .