Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
, the input: the function input to the student number 20, name, sex, age, three subjects and the average score and total performance in an array of structure, student number, name, three subjects by keyboard input, And then calculate the average score and total score on the structure of the corresponding domain.
Note: The function should have two parameters, an array of structure types, and the number of students
Save: save function to the array of student information into the file, close the file. 3, insert: insert function to enter a student record, according to the order of the student number to insert the entire contents of the student. 4, sort: sort function for all students according to the requirements of the order (1. Student No. 2. Total score), and output.
Note: You should set a parameter, specify the order according to school number or in accordance with the total score. You can also specify an ascending or descending order by parameter
5, find: find function to ente