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U8BED u6B5 u5206 u658 u5668 uFF0C u7B97 u7B26 u4B18 u5139 u5B9E u73B0 uFF0C u5B8C u6210FIRSTVT, LASTVT u7684 u6784 u5EFA uFF0C u7B97 u7B26 u4F18 u5148 u8868 U7684 u5B9 u7504 u548C u89C4 u7FC6 u8FC7 u7A0B u7684 u8F93 u51FA-Parsers, operator precedence to achieve completion of FIRSTVT Construction of LASTVT, the operator precedence table and the Statute of the output of the proce