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MSF for Agile Software Development- 4.0 version
Packet file list
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Packet : 103244820msfforagilesoftwaredevelopment-4.0.rar filelist
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MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\UntriagedBugs.wiq
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Bug.xml
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\QoS.XML
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Risk.xml
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Scenario.xml
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task.xml
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\workitems.xml
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Process Guidance\Supporting Files\Code
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Process Guidance\Supporting Files\CSS
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Process Guidance\Supporting Files\EULA
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Process Guidance\Supporting Files\images
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Process Guidance\Supporting Files
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Process Guidance
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Project Management
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Requirements
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Security
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services\Test
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\Queries
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Classification
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Groups and Permissions
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Reports
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Version Control
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\Windows SharePoint Services
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版\WorkItem Tracking
MSF for Agile Software Development - 4.0 版
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