Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Process scheduling algorithm: the highest priority number of priority scheduling algorithm (that is, the processor is assigned to the highest priority process) and first come first service algorithm. Each process has a process control block (PCB) representation. Process control blocks can contain the following information: process name, priority number, arrival time, run time, CPU time, process status, and so on. The priority number of the process and the required run time can be specified artificially (or by random numbers). The process's arrival time is the process's input time. The running time of a process is calculated as a time slice. The state of each process can be one of the three states of ready W (Wait), running R (Run), or completion of F (Finish). Once the ready process gets CPU, it can only run one time slice. Represented by taking CPU time plus 1. Each time the scheduler prints a run, a ready queue, and the PCB of each process for inspection.