Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
T he entire calibrat ion and compensat ion metho d o f a Miniature Inerial Measur ement U nit( MIMU) in high dy namic and o verload complicate environments w as pr opo sed. First ly, an error model applied to the complicate applicat ion environment s w as established, which consist s o f the structureer rors, installatio n misalignment errors and the erro rs of the MEMS sensors including zero outputdrif t, temperature drif t , crossax is error, no nlinear scale factor erro r and acceler at ion effect err or of
gyr oscope. Based o n the model, the ent ire cal ibrat io n and compensat ion method w as pr opo sed to calibrate 63 er ror co ef ficient s w ithout calibrat ion of each MEMS iner tial sensor separ ately. T hen, thegeneralized least square algor ithm was used to calibrate and calculate the er ror coef ficient s. Finally, a
MIMU was dev elo ped for a f light ex periment and w as calibrated w ith this pro posed method.