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  • Update : 2017-11-17
  • Size : 207kb
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Vc ++6 0 development of network program, interface aesthetics, easy to use, have high reference value.
Packet file list
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T1781171117\ReadMe.txt 3579 2002-11-24
_desktop.ini 9 2006-09-14
E1781106627\_desktop.ini 9 2006-09-14
E1781106627\res\_desktop.ini 9 2006-09-14
res\_desktop.ini 9 2006-09-14
T1781171117\_desktop.ini 9 2006-09-14
T1781171117\res\_desktop.ini 9 2006-09-14
chatdoc.h 2050 2000-09-09
chatsock.h 832 1999-06-02
E1781106627\chatsrvr.h 1389 1999-06-02
chatter.h 1361 1999-06-02
chatvw.h 1555 2000-09-01
E1781106627\CleanDlg.h 1211 2000-09-06
E1781106627\clntsock.h 1517 2000-09-06
T1781171117\IPHlpApi.h 14976 2002-11-24
E1781106627\lstnsock.h 1188 1999-06-02
E1781106627\mainfrm.h 1300 1999-06-02
mainfrm.h 1624 2000-09-05
msg.h 1081 2000-09-09
E1781106627\msg.h 1083 2000-09-09
T1781171117\resource.h 959 2002-11-24
E1781106627\resource.h 2743 2000-09-06
resource.h 3221 2000-08-25
resrc1.h 5935 2000-09-05
sendvw.h 2193 2000-09-05
setupdlg.h 1215 2000-09-04
E1781106627\srvrdoc.h 2069 2000-09-09
E1781106627\srvrvw.h 1644 2000-09-06
E1781106627\stdafx.h 669 1999-06-02
stdafx.h 717 2000-08-28
T1781171117\StdAfx.h 1054 2002-11-24
T1781171117\TcpSpy.h 1324 2002-11-24
T1781171117\TcpSpyDlg.h 2048 2002-11-24
ToolTipWnd.h 2734 1998-08-30
chatdoc.cpp 12600 2000-09-09
chatsock.cpp 902 1999-06-02
E1781106627\chatsrvr.cpp 3674 1999-06-02
chatter.cpp 3657 2000-09-09
chatvw.cpp 2843 2000-09-07
E1781106627\CleanDlg.cpp 1682 2000-09-06
E1781106627\clntsock.cpp 3171 2000-09-06
E1781106627\lstnsock.cpp 1280 1999-06-02
E1781106627\mainfrm.cpp 2870 1999-06-02
mainfrm.cpp 3796 2000-09-05
E1781106627\msg.cpp 2121 2000-09-05
msg.cpp 2127 2000-09-05
sendvw.cpp 6872 2000-09-05
setupdlg.cpp 1899 2000-09-09
E1781106627\srvrdoc.cpp 13045 2000-09-09
E1781106627\srvrvw.cpp 2308 2000-08-30
T1781171117\StdAfx.cpp 208 2002-11-24
stdafx.cpp 521 1999-06-02
E1781106627\stdafx.cpp 522 1999-06-02
T1781171117\TcpSpy.cpp 2063 2002-11-24
T1781171117\TcpSpyDlg.cpp 11459 2006-11-07
ToolTipWnd.cpp 6509 1998-08-29
T1781171117\IPHlpApi.Lib 29708 2002-11-24
res\aol.bmp 2134 2000-09-05
res\bird.bmp 14990 2000-09-05
E1781106627\bitmap1.bmp 393334 1999-06-02
E1781106627\res\bitmap1.bmp 393334 1999-06-02
E1781106627\bitmap2.bmp 38002 1999-06-02
E1781106627\res\bitmap2.bmp 38002 1999-06-02
res\bitmap3.bmp 630 2000-09-05
res\CandleSnow.bmp 24934 2000-09-05
res\colors.bmp 43254 2000-09-05
res\koala.bmp 10294 2000-09-05
res\Ms.bmp 11078 2000-09-05
res\toolbar.bmp 478 1999-06-02
toolbar.bmp 478 1999-06-02
E1781106627\res\toolbar.bmp 838 1999-06-02
E1781106627\toolbar.bmp 838 1999-06-02
makefile 559 1999-06-02
E1781106627\makefile 561 1999-06-02
E1781106627\chatsrvr.001 8237 2000-08-25
chatter.001 8107 2000-08-25
E1781106627\chatsrvr.002 8357 2000-09-06
chatter.002 8967 2000-09-05
E1781106627\ChatSrvr.aps 28308 2006-10-23
Chatter.aps 147952 2006-09-11
T1781171117\TcpSpy.aps 22124 2006-11-07
E1781106627\chatsrvr.clw 2970 2006-10-23
chatter.clw 2962 2006-09-25
T1781171117\TcpSpy.clw 1206 2006-11-07
E1781106627\chatsrvr.dsp 8166 2000-09-09
chatter.dsp 8511 2000-09-09
T1781171117\TcpSpy.dsp 4378 2002-11-24
E1781106627\chatsrvr.dsw 539 2000-09-09
chatter.dsw 537 2000-09-09
T1781171117\TcpSpy.dsw 537 2002-11-24
T1781171117\res\Bird2.ico 2238 2006-09-26
chat.ico 2238 2000-08-25
E1781106627\chat.ico 2238 2000-08-25
E1781106627\res\chat.ico 2238 2000-08-25
res\chat.ico 2238 2000-08-25
E1781106627\chatsrvr.ico 1078 1999-06-02
E1781106627\res\chatsrvr.ico 1078 1999-06-02
chatter.ico 1078 1999-06-02
res\chatter.ico 1078 1999-06-02
T1781171117\res\Lightning.ico 766 2002-11-24
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