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  • Category : Button control
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  • Update : 2017-11-18
  • Size : 605kb
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  • Author :Dye***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Vc ++ written interface source code, very practical, can learn a lot of things from it!
Packet file list
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QSkin\Riant\ActiveCaption.bmp 4310 2003-12-02
QSkin\Riant\exit_down.bmp 1398 2003-11-30
QSkin\Riant\exit_foc.bmp 1194 2002-03-26
QSkin\Riant\exit_nor.bmp 1194 2002-03-26
QSkin\Riant\HeaderCtrlNormal.bmp 822 2003-12-09
QSkin\Riant\HorizontalThumb.bmp 1014 2003-07-25
QSkin\Riant\InActiveCaption.bmp 4310 2003-11-30
QSkin\Riant\LeftArrow.bmp 1014 2003-07-08
QSkin\Riant\ListBk.BMP 7754 2003-12-23
QSkin\Riant\logo_bg.BMP 37118 2003-12-16
QSkin\Riant\logo_bg.gif 1743 2000-08-02
QSkin\Riant\max_down.bmp 1398 2003-11-30
QSkin\Riant\max_focu.bmp 1194 2002-03-26
QSkin\Riant\max_norm.bmp 1194 2002-03-26
QSkin\Riant\MenuBack.bmp 7754 2003-12-23
QSkin\Riant\MenuDown.bmp 3018 2003-12-03
QSkin\Riant\MenuFocus.bmp 3018 2003-12-03
QSkin\Riant\MenuItemBack.bmp 7754 2003-12-23
QSkin\Riant\MenuItemDown.bmp 3018 2003-12-03
QSkin\Riant\MenuItemFocus.bmp 7754 2003-12-24
QSkin\Riant\MenuItemSlider.BMP 7754 2003-12-24
QSkin\Riant\min_down.bmp 1398 2003-11-30
QSkin\Riant\min_focu.bmp 1194 2002-03-26
QSkin\Riant\min_norm.bmp 1194 2002-03-26
QSkin\Riant\res_down.bmp 1398 2003-11-30
QSkin\Riant\res_focu.bmp 1194 2002-03-26
QSkin\Riant\res_norm.bmp 1194 2002-03-26
QSkin\Riant\RightArrow.bmp 1014 2003-07-08
QSkin\Riant\RTScrollBar1.cpp 9868 2003-12-10
QSkin\Riant\RTScrollBar1.h 2248 2003-12-10
QSkin\Riant\skin.ini 2777 2003-12-29
QSkin\Riant\vssver.scc 528 2004-03-12
Source\AddFileDownTaskDlg.cpp 2631 2003-12-31
Source\AddFileDownTaskDlg.h 1212 2003-12-31
Source\ChildView.cpp 876 2003-12-21
Source\ChildView.h 408 2003-12-21
Source\DownInfoType.cpp 5826 2003-12-31
Source\DownInfoType.h 1525 2003-12-31
Source\FileDownInfo.cpp 778 2003-12-23
Source\FileDownInfo.h 468 2003-12-25
Source\LeftForm.cpp 12292 2004-01-01
Source\LeftForm.h 1280 2003-12-31
Source\MainFrm.cpp 9745 2003-12-31
Source\MainFrm.h 2090 2003-12-31
Source\OKMessageDlg.cpp 890 2003-12-27
Source\OKMessageDlg.h 632 2003-12-27
Source\ReadMe.txt 3032 2003-12-21
Source\resource.h 4535 2004-01-01
Source\res\bitmap1.bmp 2102 2003-12-30
Source\res\bitmap2.bmp 2102 2003-12-30
Source\res\bmp00001.bmp 2102 2003-12-30
Source\res\cursor1.cur 2238 2003-12-30
Source\res\cursor2.cur 2238 2003-12-30
Source\res\sp_ver_m.bmp 2102 2003-12-30
Source\res\Toolbar.bmp 718 2003-12-27
Source\res\toolbar1.bmp 238 2003-12-25
Source\res\toolbar2.bmp 238 2003-12-25
Source\res\vssver.scc 224 2004-03-12
Source\res\WebGet.ico 21630 2002-01-26
Source\res\WebGet.manifest 695 2003-12-21
Source\res\WebGet.rc2 373 2003-12-21
Source\RightForm.cpp 2322 2003-12-30
Source\RightForm.h 1392 2003-12-26
Source\RTButton.cpp 5775 2003-12-30
Source\RTButton.h 1187 2003-12-30
Source\RTCheckBox.cpp 3084 2003-12-31
Source\RTCheckBox.h 689 2003-12-31
Source\RTComboBox.cpp 321 2003-12-21
Source\RTComboBox.h 208 2003-12-19
Source\RTDialog.cpp 28327 2003-12-31
Source\RTDialog.h 3889 2003-12-31
Source\RTDraw.cpp 29139 2003-12-29
Source\RTDraw.h 5056 2003-12-30
Source\RTEdit.cpp 2773 2003-12-31
Source\RTEdit.h 918 2003-12-31
Source\RTFolder.cpp 2662 2003-12-31
Source\RTFolder.h 525 2003-12-31
Source\RTFrameWnd.cpp 27152 2003-12-31
Source\RTFrameWnd.h 3916 2003-12-31
Source\RTHeaderCtrl.cpp 2664 2003-12-30
Source\RTHeaderCtrl.h 534 2003-12-30
Source\RTHtmlRegex.h 2905 2003-12-31
Source\RTListBox.cpp 309 2003-12-21
Source\RTListBox.h 202 2003-12-19
Source\RTListCtrl.cpp 4203 2003-12-30
Source\RTListCtrl.h 1101 2003-12-30
Source\RTMenu.cpp 41905 2003-12-30
Source\RTMenu.h 5682 2003-12-30
Source\RTRadioButton.cpp 2918 2003-12-30
Source\RTRadioButton.h 643 2003-12-30
Source\RTRichEdit.cpp 1985 2003-12-30
Source\RTRichEdit.h 636 2003-12-30
Source\RTScrollBar.cpp 19120 2003-12-30
Source\RTScrollBar.h 2710 2003-12-30
Source\RTScrollControlContainer.cpp 5978 2003-12-29
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