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  • Category : GUI Develop
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  • Update : 2017-11-18
  • Size : 159kb
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  • Author :Beve****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Vc, net written a copy of qq program support add delete friend and avatar selection and other functions,
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
ReadMe.txt 2686 2004-06-02
ChessDlg.htm 421 2004-06-23
UserInfoDlg.htm 424 2004-06-03
user\user.ini 177 2005-03-06
BtnST.h 9972 2002-12-20
Chat.h 435 2004-06-02
ChatDlg.h 2558 2004-06-26
ChessDlg.h 2918 2004-07-02
ChoiceKindDlg.h 631 2004-06-28
IconComboBox.h 1420 1998-08-27
InformDlg.h 625 2004-06-07
MacDlg.h 967 2004-06-21
MacSocket.h 184 2004-06-21
My.h 119 2004-06-02
MyDialog.h 1461 2004-06-25
MyListBox.h 335 2004-06-02
MyListCtrl.h 341 2004-06-03
MySocket.h 236 2004-06-02
Resource.h 3625 2004-06-29
SendToAllDlg.h 593 2004-06-05
SetNetDlg.h 833 2004-06-26
SocketThread.h 344 2004-06-25
stdafx.h 1522 2004-06-03
TcpChessSocket.h 351 2004-06-26
UserInfoDlg.h 936 2004-06-05
WinXPButtonST.h 1571 2002-12-20
4BtnST.cpp 59750 2004-06-04
Chat.cpp 1254 2004-06-02
ChatDlg.cpp 20676 2004-06-28
ChessDlg.cpp 37503 2004-07-27
ChoiceKindDlg.cpp 1464 2004-06-28
IconComboBox.cpp 4934 2002-01-19
InformDlg.cpp 1402 2004-06-07
MacDlg.cpp 7234 2004-07-09
MacSocket.cpp 405 2004-06-21
My.cpp 159 2004-06-02
MyDialog.cpp 8246 2004-06-23
MyListBox.cpp 931 2004-06-02
MyListCtrl.cpp 1463 2004-06-04
MySocket.cpp 478 2004-06-04
SendToAllDlg.cpp 1324 2004-06-05
SetNetDlg.cpp 2657 2004-06-26
SocketThread.cpp 754 2004-06-25
stdafx.cpp 133 2004-06-02
TcpChessSocket.cpp 850 2004-06-26
UserInfoDlg.cpp 4761 2004-06-05
WinXPButtonST.cpp 2744 2002-11-24
face\1.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\10.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\11.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\12.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\13.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\14.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\15.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\16.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\2.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\3.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\4.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\5.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\6.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
61-1.bmp 2102 2004-06-02
face\7.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\8.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
face\9.bmp 2102 2004-06-05
res\Thumbs.db 5632 2004-07-28
face\Thumbs.db 10240 2004-07-28
res\Chat.ico 21630 2002-01-25
res\icon1.ico 766 2004-06-02
res\icon2.ico 766 2004-06-02
face\level.ico 2550 2004-06-02
res\Chat.manifest 693 2004-06-02
Chat.rc 15524 2004-07-05
res\Chat.rc2 371 2004-06-02
Chat.sln 908 2004-06-02
Chat.suo 13312 2004-07-27
Chat.vcproj 6945 2004-06-28
Chat.ZMX 323584 2004-08-06
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