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  • Update : 2017-11-18
  • Size : 115kb
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  • Author :GUAY%2******
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VC source code other VckbaseWiz zip about how to make APPWIZARD program examples
Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 8575 2001-11-28
Template\ReadMe.txt 10919 2001-11-28
hlp\VckbaseWiz.LOG 6398 2001-11-29
Template\makehelp.bat 3158 2001-11-28
Template\about.h 2029 2001-11-24
Template\ChildFrm.h 3029 2001-11-28
Chooser.h 1186 2001-11-28
Template\CntrItem.h 2402 2001-11-28
cstm1dlg.h 1202 2001-11-28
Debug.h 1662 2001-11-28
Template\Dialog.h 2053 2001-11-28
Template\DlgRes.h 2058 2001-11-28
Template\DlgRoot.h 1489 2001-11-28
Template\Doc.h 2839 2001-11-28
Template\Frame.h 3582 2001-11-28
Template\HyprLink.h 814 2001-11-03
Template\IpFrame.h 1871 2001-11-28
Template\RecSet.h 3086 2001-11-28
Registry.h 718 1998-02-02
Resource.h 729 2001-11-19
Template\Resource.h 3106 2001-11-28
Resource_.h 540 2001-11-28
Template\Root.h 2169 2001-11-28
Template\SrvrItem.h 1494 2001-11-28
Template\StatLink.h 1685 2001-11-03
StdAfx.h 900 2001-11-28
Template\StdAfx.h 3574 2001-11-28
VckbaseWiz.h 592 2001-11-28
VckbaseWizAw.h 1359 2001-11-28
Template\View.h 4968 2001-11-28
Template\ChildFrm.cpp 8359 2001-11-28
Template\CntrItem.cpp 5789 2001-11-28
cstm1dlg.cpp 2602 2001-11-29
Debug.cpp 1821 2001-11-28
Template\Dialog.cpp 5637 2001-11-28
Template\DlgRoot.cpp 3441 2001-11-28
Template\Doc.cpp 6192 2001-11-28
Template\Frame.cpp 10281 2001-11-28
gChooser.cpp 2938 2001-11-28
Template\IpFrame.cpp 5350 2001-11-28
Template\RecSet.cpp 2343 2001-11-28
Registry.cpp 3285 1998-02-02
Template\Root.cpp 12939 2001-11-28
Template\SrvrItem.cpp 4336 2001-11-28
Template\StatLink.cpp 4810 2001-11-03
StdAfx.cpp 203 2001-11-28
Template\StdAfx.cpp 329 2001-11-28
VckbaseWiz.cpp 1011 2001-11-28
VckbaseWizAw.cpp 4376 2001-11-29
Template\View.cpp 15514 2001-11-28
Template\AfxCore_chs.rtf 80163 2001-11-28
Template\AfxDb_chs.rtf 9582 2001-11-28
Template\AfxDlg_chs.rtf 3884 2001-11-28
Template\AfxOleCl_chs.rtf 9948 2001-11-28
Template\AfxOleSv_chs.rtf 4939 2001-11-28
Template\AfxPrint_chs.rtf 17021 2001-11-28
hlp\VckbaseWiz.rtf 4744 2001-11-28
hlp\VCKBASEWIZ.HLP 5901 2001-11-29
Template\Confirm.inf 6193 2001-11-28
Template\NewProj.inf 7226 2001-11-28
Template\AppExit_chs.bmp 6974 2001-11-28
Template\Bullet.bmp 142 2001-11-28
Template\CurArw2.bmp 310 2001-11-28
Template\CurArw4.bmp 566 2001-11-28
Template\CurHelp.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\EditCopy.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\EditCut.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\EditPast.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\EditUndo.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\FileNew.bmp 566 2001-11-28
Template\FileOpen.bmp 566 2001-11-28
Template\FilePrnt.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\FileSave.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\HlpSbar_chs.bmp 15030 2001-11-28
Template\HlpTbar.bmp 2354 2001-11-28
Template\RecFirst.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\RecLast.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\RecNext.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\RecPrev.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\ScMax.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\ScMenu_chs.bmp 6370 2001-11-28
Template\ScMin.bmp 502 2001-11-28
Template\tba__.bmp 1078 2001-11-28
Template\tba_i.bmp 598 2001-11-28
Template\tbah_.bmp 1198 2001-11-28
Template\tbahi.bmp 718 2001-11-28
Template\tbd__.bmp 1198 2001-11-28
Template\tbdh_.bmp 1318 2001-11-28
Template\tbr__.bmp 1558 2001-11-28
Template\tbr_i.bmp 1078 2001-11-28
Template\tbrh_.bmp 1678 2001-11-28
Template\tbrhi.bmp 1198 2001-11-28
Template\vckbaselogo.bmp 5896 2001-11-24
RCa12629 21160 2001-11-28
VckbaseWiz.aps 459336 2001-11-28
Debug\VckbaseWiz.awx 569403 2001-11-29
Template\DlgRoot.clw 1522 2001-11-28
Template\Root.clw 17398 2001-11-28
VckbaseWiz.clw 977 2001-11-28
Template\dlgroot.cnt 128 2001-11-28
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