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  • Update : 2017-11-18
  • Size : 1.36mb
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  • Author :yinba******
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Verilog programming of trigonometric function and inverse trigonometric function by CORDIC algorithm
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Cordic3\Cordic.cmd_log 420 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic.fdo 1267 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic.lso 6 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic.ngc 257981 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic.ngr 239395 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic.prj 25 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic.syr 36111 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic.udo 379 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic.v 4218 2014-04-18
Cordic3\Cordic.veo 568 2014-03-28
Cordic3\Cordic.xst 1067 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic3.gise 7653 2014-07-21
Cordic3\Cordic3.xise 42990 2014-07-21
Cordic3\Cordic_envsettings.html 9656 2014-07-21
Cordic3\Cordic_guide.ncd 182598 2014-03-28
Cordic3\Cordic_summary.html 5159 2014-07-21
Cordic3\Cordic_wave.fdo 424 2014-04-19
Cordic3\Cordic_xst.xrpt 14185 2014-04-19
Cordic3\cos.txt 17688 2014-03-28
Cordic3\fuse.xmsgs 367 2014-04-17
Cordic3\fuseRelaunch.cmd 241 2014-04-17
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\.lso 19 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\coregen.cgp 238 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\coregen.log 532 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\create_asdf.tcl 1257 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\create_fye.tcl 1256 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\edit_fye.tcl 1119 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.asy 531 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.gise 1344 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.mif 378 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.ngc 147947 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.sym 1526 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.v 129142 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.veo 4691 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.xco 3044 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye.xise 4865 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fyeCOEFF_auto0_0.mif 306 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fyefilt_decode_rom.mif 102 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye_flist.txt 206 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye_readme.txt 1438 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\fye_xmdf.tcl 3110 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\tmp\_cg\ 3818 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\tmp\_cg\xil_7012_6.out 2288 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\tmp\_xmsgs\netgen.xmsgs 665 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\tmp\_xmsgs\ngcbuild.xmsgs 367 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\tmp\_xmsgs\pn_parser.xmsgs 764 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\tmp\_xmsgs\xst.xmsgs 86104 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\_xmsgs\cg.xmsgs 867 2014-04-19
Cordic3\ipcore_dir\_xmsgs\pn_parser.xmsgs 756 2014-04-19
Cordic3\iseconfig\Cordic.xreport 20472 2014-07-21
Cordic3\iseconfig\Cordic3.projectmgr 8862 2014-07-21
Cordic3\modelsim.ini 74626 2012-07-28
Cordic3\par_usage_statistics.html 4141 2014-03-28
Cordic3\sin.txt 18489 2014-03-28
Cordic3\tb_Cordic.fdo 1300 2014-07-21
Cordic3\tb_Cordic.udo 381 2014-04-18
Cordic3\tb_Cordic.v 3140 2014-04-19
Cordic3\tb_Cordic.v.bak 3244 2014-03-28
Cordic3\tb_Cordic_wave.fdo 427 2014-04-18
Cordic3\ 249 2014-04-18
Cordic3\test.mpf 79665 2014-04-18
Cordic3\transcript 2104 2014-07-21
Cordic3\vsim.wlf 73728 2014-07-21
Cordic3\webtalk_pn.xml 2985 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@cordic\_primary.dat 6914 2014-07-21
Cordic3\work\@cordic\_primary.dbs 2430 2014-07-21
Cordic3\work\@cordic\_primary.vhd 653 2014-07-21
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\vopt11dxwv 351 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\vopt22ttsq 653 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\vopt337rnj 78 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\vopt44kmjf 1938353 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\vopt7t7bhx 1282 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\vopt8vk8es 400 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\vopt9w16bm 460 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptaxe38h 376 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptbyv05d 117545 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptdj2s5z 2258 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptekfn2v 22400 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptfmwjzn 93776 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptgn9hwi 49920 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\vopthqnese 5429 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptkda4qw 1661 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptmeq1kr 2430 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptnf4zgk 936 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptqghwdg 1368 2014-04-19
Cordic3\work\@_opt1\voptt65iby 6914 2014-04-19
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