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  • Update : 2017-11-20
  • Size : 583kb
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  • Author :nikc*****
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
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MySpellCheck\ReadMe.txt 1649 2004-06-15
GEncryptDecrypt\ReadMe.txt 1661 2004-06-15
GPExport\ReadMe.txt 2590 2005-03-02
RTFContentCtrl\ReadMe.txt 2668 2005-06-03
iCalImportExport\ReadMe.txt 2694 2005-03-11
ToDoList\ReadMe.txt 3615 2003-08-06
ToDoList\license.txt 960 2005-11-07
ToDoList\todolist_xml_schema.txt 2901 2004-09-29
Shared\AboutDlg.h 1492 2004-06-17
Shared\autocombobox.h 2674 2006-03-15
Shared\AutoFlag.h 767 2005-08-31
f3rdParty\Base64Coder.h 2106 2005-09-11
Shared\browserdlg.h 1395 2006-03-21
Shared\checkcombobox.h 2478 2006-04-18
Shared\colorbutton.h 1563 2003-12-30
Shared\colorcombobox.h 1457 2005-11-06
Shared\ColorDef.h 5018 2005-09-25
f3rdParty\ColourPicker.h 3894 2005-10-16
f3rdParty\ColourPopup.h 4628 2005-12-29
f3rdParty\COMUTIL.H 45132 2005-10-17
Shared\ContentCtrl.h 1655 2005-09-23
Shared\ContentMgr.h 1318 2006-04-18
Shared\DateHelper.h 1639 2006-03-11
Shared\deferWndMove.h 953 2005-07-07
Shared\DialogHelper.h 3065 2006-04-06
Shared\DlgUnits.h 1139 2005-11-06
Shared\DockManager.h 2323 2005-04-13
f3rdParty\DragDrop.h 4753 2005-02-09
Shared\driveinfo.h 1057 2005-03-02
Shared\EnBitmap.h 4282 2005-09-25
Shared\EnBitmapEx.h 1567 2005-05-10
Shared\enbrowserctrl.h 1353 2006-02-15
Shared\encolordialog.h 876 2004-07-07
Shared\EnCommandLineInfo.h 951 2004-10-21
GEncryptDecrypt\Encryption.h 2129 2004-08-09
Shared\enedit.h 3861 2006-04-20
Shared\EnRecentFileList.h 920 2005-08-08
Shared\enstatic.h 1412 2004-01-15
Shared\EnString.h 893 2006-03-25
Shared\entoolbar.h 1661 2006-03-31
ToDoList\ExportDlg.h 2594 2006-04-08
Shared\filedialogex.h 1095 2005-02-28
Shared\fileedit.h 2852 2005-08-26
Shared\FILEMISC.H 2702 2006-04-21
Shared\FileRegister.h 1387 2005-08-03
ToDoList\FilterDlg.h 2095 2006-05-24
ToDoList\FilteredToDoCtrl.h 4263 2006-05-24
ToDoList\FindBlankPage.h 860 2005-06-03
ToDoList\FindDatePage.h 1593 2004-08-31
ToDoList\FindNumPage.h 1877 2004-08-31
ToDoList\FindPriorityPage.h 1932 2006-03-02
ToDoList\FindRiskPage.h 1750 2006-03-02
ToDoList\FindTaskDlg.h 5516 2006-04-08
ToDoList\FindTextPage.h 1477 2004-06-18
f3rdParty\FIXALLOC.H 2000 2006-01-06
Shared\FolderDialog.h 3222 2003-11-20
f3rdParty\FontComboBox.h 1312 2005-07-07
Shared\fontcombobox.h 1703 2003-12-03
GPExport\GPExport.h 1275 2005-03-02
GPExport\GPExporter.h 1113 2005-11-20
Shared\GroupLine.h 949 2005-11-30
f3rdParty\GUI.H 250 2004-03-27
Shared\HoldRedraw.h 1738 2005-11-01
Shared\HookMgr.h 10595 2005-10-14
Shared\hotkeyctrlex.h 1345 2005-06-30
Shared\HotTracker.h 1107 2004-03-20
Shared\HtmlCharMap.h 9445 2005-03-12
iCalImportExport\iCalExporter.h 1165 2006-04-08
iCalImportExport\iCalImporter.h 983 2005-03-11
iCalImportExport\iCalImportExport.h 1017 2005-03-11
Shared\IContentControl.h 3311 2006-04-18
RTFContentCtrl\ids.h 728 2006-05-08
Shared\IEncryption.h 3071 2005-12-29
Shared\IImportExport.h 4074 2005-11-04
Shared\ImageProcessors.h 5643 2004-04-27
Shared\ImportExportMgr.h 1716 2006-05-06
Shared\ISpellCheck.h 2724 2005-12-29
Shared\ITaskList.h 6934 2006-04-21
Shared\ITransText.h 2599 2005-03-27
Shared\LimitSingleInstance.h 1362 2003-11-27
f3rdParty\LockableHeaderCtrl.h 886 2005-02-12
Shared\MASKEDIT.H 1304 2006-04-22
f3rdParty\MemUtil.h 2053 2004-07-04
Shared\MenuEx.h 1124 2005-05-10
ToDoList\MergeToDoList.h 1644 2005-10-17
Shared\Misc.h 1447 2006-05-24
Shared\MouseWheelMgr.h 858 2005-10-14
Shared\NcGutter.h 7945 2006-02-24
f3rdParty\NewRandom.h 2409 2004-07-12
ToDoList\OffsetDatesDlg.h 1803 2006-02-26
Shared\olericheditctrl.h 4254 2005-10-24
Shared\OrderedTreeCtrl.h 4648 2006-01-07
Shared\OSVersion.h 699 2005-02-15
Shared\passworddialog.h 2028 2006-05-07
ToDoList\PreferencesDlg.h 15541 2006-04-17
ToDoList\PreferencesExportPage.h 2330 2006-04-09
ToDoList\PreferencesFilePage.h 4424 2006-04-17
ToDoList\PreferencesGenPage.h 3107 2006-04-17
ToDoList\PreferencesMultiUserPage.h 2947 2005-08-12
ToDoList\PreferencesShortcutsPage.h 2463 2005-06-30
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  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
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