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  • Update : 2017-11-21
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
A relay simulation test system, written with VC, including dc test, UI test
Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 4263 2002-06-23
hlp\chadcs.htm 10496 2002-10-11
hlp\index.htm 9511 2002-10-11
hlp\jiaolbp.htm 10908 2002-10-11
hlp\jiscs.htm 32975 2002-10-11
hlp\lianxfs.htm 4740 2002-10-11
hlp\ruanjsm.htm 8496 2002-10-11
hlp\UIcs.htm 24366 2002-10-11
hlp\xiebdj.htm 14945 2002-10-11
hlp\zhilcs.htm 15909 2002-10-11
hlp\zukcs.htm 26407 2002-10-11
desktop.ini 266 2002-03-05
hlp\desktop.ini 266 2002-03-05
res\desktop.ini 266 2002-03-05
ABOUTDIALOG.h 1220 2002-08-30
CHADTEST.h 1976 2002-08-23
CREDITSTATIC.H 3824 2002-04-22
Gif89a.h 3273 1999-08-21
GifView.h 1717 2002-08-29
HyperLink.h 3217 2002-08-29
JIAOLBP.h 2006 2002-08-21
MainFrm.h 2633 2002-08-29
progressbar.h 2432 2002-06-29
resource.h 5422 2002-09-01
spinbutton.h 2354 2002-06-29
Splash.h 1159 2002-07-09
STARTDLG.h 1330 2002-08-30
StdAfx.h 1054 2002-06-23
Test.h 1375 2002-08-30
TestDoc.h 2334 2002-08-29
TestView.h 2748 2002-08-29
UITEST.h 2769 2002-09-01
XIEBDJ.h 2811 2002-08-20
ZHILTEST.h 2708 2002-09-01
ZUKTEST.h 2904 2002-08-26
CHADTEST.cpp 5282 2002-08-31
Creditstatic.cpp 29108 2002-08-30
gif89a.cpp 13439 2002-08-29
GifView.cpp 3876 2002-09-03
HyperLink.cpp 12580 2002-08-29
JIAOLBP.cpp 4149 2002-08-21
lABOUTDIALOG.cpp 1971 2002-08-30
MainFrm.cpp 15477 2002-09-03
progressbar.cpp 4816 2002-06-29
spinbutton.cpp 4447 2002-06-29
Splash.cpp 3202 2002-07-09
STARTDLG.cpp 2148 2002-09-02
StdAfx.cpp 206 2002-06-23
Test.cpp 3501 2002-08-31
TestDoc.cpp 1940 2002-09-01
TestView.cpp 32748 2002-09-02
UITEST.cpp 13575 2002-09-01
XIEBDJ.cpp 11624 2002-08-27
ZHILTEST.cpp 11288 2002-09-01
ZUKTEST.cpp 11830 2002-08-26
res\bitmap1.bmp 3678 2002-08-30
res\Toolbar.bmp 1558 2002-09-01
Test.aps 52600 2002-10-20
Test.clw 13423 2003-03-17
Test.dsp 7469 2002-09-03
Test.dsw 619 2002-06-29
FOLDER.HTT 11541 2002-10-11
hlp\FOLDER.HTT 11541 2002-10-11
res\FOLDER.HTT 11541 2002-10-11
res\Test.ico 1078 2002-07-11
res\Test1.ico 1078 2002-07-11
res\TestDoc.ico 1078 2002-06-23
Test.ncb 230400 2003-03-17
Test.opt 54784 2003-03-17
Test.plg 3076 2003-03-12
Test.rc 40506 2002-09-02
res\Test.rc2 396 2002-06-23
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