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  • Category : OA
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  • Update : 2017-11-22
  • Size : 1.03mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :焚仙***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The OA system is developed with ASP.NET environment, which is suitable for the integration of police station information management system, and can complete the daily cases and basic management functions.
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
pcsoa\Admin_top.ascx 1281 2006-09-07
pcsoa\Ajdjb_edit.aspx 26457 2006-09-07
pcsoa\Ajdjb_Edit_ZP.aspx 14173 2006-09-07
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pcsoa\AJDJB_LA_ZAAJ.aspx 1639 2006-08-21
pcsoa\AJDJB_List.aspx 8363 2006-09-07
pcsoa\AJDJB_List.aspx.resx 5318 2006-08-26
pcsoa\AJDJB_List.aspx.vb 8950 2006-08-28
pcsoa\AJDJB_List.bak.aspx 6886 2006-08-21
pcsoa\Ajdjb_Search.aspx 8475 2006-08-21
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pcsoa\aspnet_client\system_web\1_1_4322\_vti_cnf\WebUIValidation.js 180 2006-08-21
pcsoa\AssemblyInfo.vb 809 2006-08-22
pcsoa\A_Dmb.aspx 3744 2006-08-25
pcsoa\A_Dmb.aspx.resx 5318 2006-08-25
pcsoa\A_dwxx.aspx 4715 2006-09-07
pcsoa\A_dwxx.aspx.resx 5318 2006-08-23
pcsoa\a_Error.aspx 1618 2006-08-24
pcsoa\A_Index.aspx 1724 2006-09-07
pcsoa\A_Index.aspx.resx 5318 2006-08-23
pcsoa\A_MJInfo.aspx 7049 2006-08-26
pcsoa\A_MJInfo.aspx.resx 5318 2006-08-26
pcsoa\A_Reg.aspx 4177 2006-08-27
pcsoa\A_Reg.aspx.resx 5318 2006-08-27
pcsoa\A_UserInfo.aspx 8523 2006-08-26
pcsoa\A_UserInfo.aspx.resx 5318 2006-08-26
pcsoa\bin\AspWebControl.DLL 14848 2004-07-02
pcsoa\bin\pcsoa.dll 94208 2006-08-28
pcsoa\bin\pcsoa.pdb 192000 2006-08-28
pcsoa\bin\RegDLL.dll 14336 2006-03-12
pcsoa\buttom.ascx 1545 2006-09-07
pcsoa\buttom.ascx.resx 5318 2006-08-23
pcsoa\buttom.ascx.vb 2426 2006-08-23
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pcsoa\CalendarResource\bgToday2.gif 125 2003-03-19
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pcsoa\CalendarResource\reset1.gif 84 2003-03-19
pcsoa\CalendarResource\reset2.gif 101 2003-03-19
pcsoa\CLRY_Detail.aspx 10408 2006-08-22
pcsoa\CLRY_edit.aspx 29176 2006-09-07
pcsoa\CLRY_EDIT_WPZP.aspx 9915 2006-08-22
pcsoa\CLRY_EDIT_ZP.aspx 7559 2006-09-07
pcsoa\CPassword.ascx 3510 2006-08-21
pcsoa\cPassword.aspx 3992 2005-12-27
pcsoa\DataAccess.vb 10802 2006-08-26
pcsoa\dhss.css 1597 2006-08-22
pcsoa\Error.aspx 1627 2006-08-24
pcsoa\Error2.aspx 1405 2006-08-24
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\400.html 1591 2017-03-15
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\401.html 1582 2017-03-15
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\403.html 1576 2017-03-15
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\404.html 1589 2017-03-15
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\500.html 1588 2017-03-15
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\502.html 1584 2017-03-15
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\503.html 1590 2017-03-15
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\504.html 1587 2017-03-15
pcsoa\ErrorFiles\510.html 1596 2017-03-15
pcsoa\Global.asax 70 2006-08-22
pcsoa\Global.asax.resx 1733 2002-01-30
pcsoa\Global.asax.vb 1574 2006-08-22
pcsoa\GXDZ_Detail.aspx 10886 2006-08-17
pcsoa\GZDX_edit.aspx 33169 2006-09-07
pcsoa\GZDX_Edit_FZJL.aspx 19139 2006-08-28
pcsoa\GZDX_Edit_ZP.aspx 6570 2006-08-17
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pcsoa\images\menu-bg-blue-main.gif 155 2005-11-25
pcsoa\images\oicq.gif 169 2005-11-25
pcsoa\images\Thumbs.db 28160 2006-09-03
pcsoa\images\title.bak.swf 114526 2006-07-01
pcsoa\images\title.swf 114526 2006-07-01
pcsoa\images\tt.jpg 12581 2006-06-26
pcsoa\images\ZY_title.swf 57959 2005-08-20
pcsoa\images\zzga2.swf 97625 2006-06-26
pcsoa\images\_vti_cnf\back002.jpg 221 2006-08-21
pcsoa\images\_vti_cnf\bg.gif 220 2006-08-21
pcsoa\images\_vti_cnf\bg01.gif 220 2006-08-21
pcsoa\images\_vti_cnf\fade2.gif 225 2006-08-21
pcsoa\images\_vti_cnf\index_email.gif 221 2006-08-21
pcsoa\images\_vti_cnf\index_menu_bg.jpg 220 2006-08-21
pcsoa\images\_vti_cnf\login_2.gif 223 2006-08-21
pcsoa\images\_vti_cnf\logoAD2.gif 222 2006-08-21
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