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  • Category : Software Engineering
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  • Update : 2017-11-22
  • Size : 2.47mb
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  • Author :宇****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Management functions include adding employees, modifying staff information, calculating employee salaries and deleting employees. Inquiry function: provides various staff inquiry way, inquires each kind of staff. Sorting function: mainly includes the salary sorting of all staff and sorting according to various kinds of salary. Statistical function: the main statistical staff's highest minimum wage and average wage.
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员工工资系统\《程序设计基础(1)》综合程序设计报告.doc 2267881 2017-04-01
员工工资系统\员工工资\Debug\员工工资.exe 58368 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\Debug\员工工资.ilk 298752 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\Debug\员工工资.pdb 437248 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\ 13050 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\CL.write.1.tlog 2856 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\cl.command.1.tlog 9466 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\employeeManage.obj 25079 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\employeeSearch.obj 13816 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\fileOperate.obj 9759 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\ 2 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\link-cvtres.write.1.tlog 2 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\ 2 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\link-rc.write.1.tlog 2 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\link.command.1.tlog 4196 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\ 3926 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\link.write.1.tlog 1020 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\linker.obj 5665 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\main.obj 33397 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\sort.obj 7142 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\statistic.obj 12729 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\tools.obj 24163 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\vc110.idb 84992 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\vc110.pdb 77824 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\员工工资.lastbuildstate 89 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\Debug\员工工资.log 521 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\employee.dat 2400 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\employeeManage.c 5380 2017-03-29
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\employeeManage.h 288 2017-03-15
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\employeeSearch.c 2359 2017-03-30
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\employeeSearch.h 135 2017-03-15
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\fileOperate.c 2050 2017-03-30
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\fileOperate.h 135 2017-01-26
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\linker.c 1909 2017-03-31
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\linker.h 648 2017-03-31
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\main.c 9530 2017-03-20
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\sort.c 1765 2017-03-30
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\sort.h 124 2017-03-19
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\statistic.c 3043 2017-04-01
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\statistic.h 100 2017-03-07
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\tools.c 5601 2017-03-30
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\tools.h 239 2017-03-20
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\员工工资.vcxproj 4615 2017-03-18
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资\员工工资.vcxproj.filters 2245 2017-03-18
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资.sdf 2228224 2017-07-02
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资.sln 903 2017-05-17
员工工资系统\员工工资\员工工资.v11.suo 58368 2017-07-02
员工工资系统\员工工资资料.xlsx 11577 2017-03-11
员工工资系统\指导书.docx 33823 2017-02-13
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