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  • Category : Dialog_Window
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  • Update : 2017-11-23
  • Size : 86kb
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  • Author :rer****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The drawing procedure of school primary school, can draw basic graphic, can choose color, have fill effect, hope to everybody again help
Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 4311 2003-04-13
Ellipse.h 1392 2006-01-15
Ellipse1.h 1396 2006-01-15
Ellipse2.h 1396 2006-01-15
Ellipse3.h 748 2006-01-15
Figure.h 653 2003-05-23
Line.h 665 2003-05-23
MainFrm.h 1440 2006-01-16
MyDraw.h 2702 2006-01-17
MyDrawDoc.h 1475 2003-04-13
MyDrawView.h 2189 2006-06-28
Pen1.h 1359 2006-01-15
Pencil.h 1381 2006-01-15
Pencil1.h 685 2006-01-15
Pencil2.h 628 2006-01-15
Pencil3.h 689 2006-01-15
Rectangle.h 1414 2006-01-15
Rectangle1.h 1418 2006-01-15
Rectangle2.h 1418 2006-01-15
Rectangle3.h 762 2006-01-15
resource.h 1909 2006-01-16
RoundRect.h 792 2003-05-23
RoundRect1.h 718 2003-04-20
StdAfx.h 1054 2003-04-13
Ellipse1.cpp 1180 2006-01-15
Ellipse2.cpp 1180 2006-01-15
Ellipse3.cpp 1136 2006-01-15
Figure.cpp 470 2003-04-13
Line.cpp 846 2006-01-17
MainFrm.cpp 2486 2006-01-16
MyDraw.cpp 14352 2006-01-17
MyDrawDoc.cpp 1742 2003-04-13
MyDrawView.cpp 8744 2006-06-29
Pen1.cpp 1130 2006-01-15
Pencil.cpp 1162 2006-01-15
Pencil1.cpp 1164 2006-01-15
Pencil2.cpp 978 2006-01-15
Pencil3.cpp 891 2006-01-17
Rectangle.cpp 1210 2006-01-15
Rectangle1.cpp 1212 2006-01-15
Rectangle2.cpp 1212 2006-01-15
Rectangle3.cpp 1156 2006-01-15
RoundRect.cpp 1273 2006-01-15
RoundRect1.cpp 1397 2003-04-20
StdAfx.cpp 208 2003-04-13
uEllipse.cpp 1178 2006-01-15
res\Toolbar.bmp 3058 2006-01-16
MyDraw.aps 34016 2006-06-29
MyDraw.clw 3580 2006-06-29
MyDraw.dsp 5312 2006-01-15
MyDraw.dsw 535 2003-04-13
res\MyDraw.ico 1078 2003-04-13
res\MyDrawDoc.ico 1078 2003-04-13
MyDraw.ncb 713728 2006-06-29
user.old 42256 2002-06-27
MyDraw.opt 59904 2006-06-29
MyDraw.plg 1357 2006-06-29
MyDraw.rc 14835 2006-01-17
res\MyDraw.rc2 398 2003-04-13
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