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  • Category : matlab
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  • Update : 2017-11-24
  • Size : 147kb
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  • Author :amou*****
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Convolutional Encoder using puncturing and depuncturing
Packet file list
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Alaw.m 272 2008-12-26
Alaw_inv.m 252 2008-12-26
CTFS.m 947 2009-01-01
CTFT.m 1121 2009-01-15
DS_SS.m 2264 2008-12-26
FH_SS.m 1946 2008-12-26
FH_SS2.m 1770 2008-12-26
Gauss_Hermite.m 171 2008-12-26
Gausshp.m 279 2008-12-26
Hamm_gen.m 630 2008-12-26
Hermitp.m 188 2008-12-26
I0.m 201 2008-12-25
IFO_estimate.m 784 2008-12-26
Jkb.m 342 2008-12-25
LDPC_decoder.m 2042 2008-12-26
LDPC_demo.m 1103 2008-12-26
LZW_code.m 526 2008-12-26
LZW_coding.m 590 2008-12-26
LZW_decode.m 683 2008-12-26
LZW_decoding.m 395 2008-12-26
OFDM_parameters.m 1616 2008-12-26
PNG.m 957 2008-12-26
PSK_slicer.m 352 2008-12-26
Q.m 103 2008-12-26
QAM.m 761 2008-12-26
QAM4_slicer.m 283 2008-12-26
QAM_dem.m 758 2008-12-26
Rice_pdf.m 151 2008-12-25
Sk_CTFS.m 127 2008-12-27
TCM.m 825 2008-12-26
TCM1.m 791 2008-12-26
TCM_decoder.m 1939 2008-12-26
TCM_decoder1.m 2236 2008-12-26
TCM_encoder.m 1146 2008-12-26
TCM_encoder1.m 1485 2008-12-26
TCM_state_eq0.m 276 2008-12-26
TCM_state_eq1.m 252 2008-12-26
Viterbi_QAM.m 1129 2008-12-26
adc.m 518 2008-12-26
add_vc.m 162 2008-12-26
ade.m 234 2009-02-05
awgn_.m 170 2008-12-26
ch_80.dat 7285 2004-07-03
ch_80.txt 7284 1999-07-04
ch_complex.dat 1391 2005-07-18
channel.m 344 2008-12-26
channel_estimate.m 457 2008-12-26
cir09e05.m 520 2008-12-26
coarse_CFO_estimate.m 596 2008-12-26
combis.m 296 2008-12-26
compensate_CFO.m 314 2008-12-26
compensate_phase.m 121 2008-12-26
conv_encoder.m 1119 2008-12-26
corr_circular.m 314 2008-12-25
cyclic_decoder.m 1167 2008-12-26
cyclic_decoder0.m 261 2008-12-26
cyclic_encoder.m 523 2008-12-26
dc0109_1.m 2325 2008-12-25
dc0109_2.m 1859 2008-12-25
dc01e01.m 530 2008-12-25
dc01e03.m 137 2008-12-25
dc01e16.m 1310 2009-01-15
dc01e17.m 1016 2008-12-25
dc01p02.m 825 2008-12-25
dc02e02a.m 280 2008-12-25
dc02e02b.m 593 2008-12-25
dc02e03.m 760 2008-12-25
dc02e05.m 1147 2008-12-25
dc02f05.m 1058 2008-12-25
dc02p01.m 475 2008-12-25
dc0301_1.m 692 2008-12-26
dc0301_2.m 708 2008-12-26
dc0301_3.m 871 2008-12-26
dc040e03.m 674 2008-12-26
dc0501.m 2012 2008-12-26
dc05f17.m 629 2008-12-26
dc0701_1.m 2359 2008-12-26
dc07p01.m 811 2008-12-26
dc09p07.m 1323 2008-12-26
deci2bin1.m 235 2008-12-26
decoder.m 118 2008-12-26
deinterleaving.m 594 2008-12-26
dem_PSK_or_QAM.m 654 2008-12-26
demodulate_PSK_or_QAM.m 665 2008-12-26
demultiplex.m 523 2008-12-26
depuncture.m 626 2008-12-26
detector_FSK.m 75 2008-12-26
detector_MSK.m 88 2008-12-26
detector_PSK.m 168 2008-12-26
dfe.m 392 2008-12-26
do_BCH_BPSK_sim.m 861 2008-12-26
do_CFO.m 986 2008-12-26
do_CFO_PHO_STO.m 6821 2008-12-26
do_FSK_sim.m 825 2008-12-26
do_Hamming_code74.m 1611 2008-12-26
do_MSK_sim.m 785 2008-12-26
do_OFDM0.m 2200 2008-12-26
do_OFDM1.m 3200 2008-12-26
do_PNG.m 2667 2008-12-26
do_PSK_sim.m 770 2008-12-26
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