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  • Update : 2017-12-03
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The C description of the EVRC implementation algorithm has seven modules
Packet file list
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include\acelp_pf.h 8064 2005-03-10
include\ansi.h 3956 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\basic_op.h 19237 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\basic_op40.h 17743 2005-03-10
include\bqiir.h 5285 2005-03-10
include\coder_ra.h 9724 2005-03-10
include\d_globs.h 6406 2005-03-10
include\data_formatchange.h 343 2006-05-30
include\decode.h 5472 2005-03-10
include\e_globs.h 7901 2005-03-10
dspmath\ehwutl.h 5283 2005-03-10
include\encode.h 5397 2005-03-10
include\fer.h 5066 2005-03-10
include\getopt.h 7922 2005-03-10
include\globs.h 6529 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\lib_wmp_fx.h 17041 2005-03-10
include\macro.h 7696 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\math_adv.h 16063 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\math_adv40.h 16414 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\math_ext32.h 15845 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\math_ext40.h 16436 2005-03-10
dspmath\mathadv.h 5486 2005-03-10
dspmath\mathdp31.h 5397 2005-03-10
dspmath\mathevrc.h 9268 2005-03-10
include\ns127.h 4925 2005-03-10
include\proto.h 11057 2005-03-10
include\qcoder.h 5487 2005-03-10
include\rda.h 6886 2005-03-10
include\rom.h 6141 2005-03-10
ttylib\tty.h 21648 2005-03-10
ttylib\tty_dbg.h 16347 2005-03-10
include\tty_hdr.h 9916 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\typedef.h 17117 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\typedef_fx.h 6123 2005-03-10
ttylib\typedef_tty.h 15669 2005-03-10
dspmath\typedefs.h 6608 2005-03-10
include\typedefs.h 6608 2005-03-10
code\a2lsp.c 8258 2005-03-10
code\acb_ex.c 6069 2005-03-10
code\acelp_pf.c 11962 2005-03-10
code\apf.c 10901 2005-03-10
code\auto.c 6766 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\basic_op.c 76376 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\basic_op40.c 44765 2005-03-10
ttylib\bdo2dit.c 21872 2006-05-27
code\bitpack.c 6923 2005-03-10
code\bitupack.c 6403 2005-03-10
code\bl_intrp.c 7203 2005-03-10
code\bqiir.c 9634 2005-03-10
code\c3_10pf.c 16925 2005-03-10
code\c8_35pf.c 27260 2005-03-10
code\comacb.c 6885 2005-03-10
code\convh.c 5682 2005-03-10
code\cshift.c 8085 2005-03-10
code\d_fer.c 10226 2005-03-10
code\d_globs.c 6327 2005-03-10
code\d_no_fer.c 14898 2005-03-10
code\d_rate_1.c 8751 2005-03-10
code\d3_10pf.c 6145 2005-03-10
code\d8_35pf.c 7350 2005-03-10
code\data_formatchange.c 1261 2006-05-30
code\decode.c 10302 2005-03-10
ttylib\dit2a.c 21630 2005-03-10
code\durbin.c 8730 2005-03-10
code\e_globs.c 7336 2005-03-10
dspmath\ehwutl.c 8312 2005-03-10
code\encode.c 18129 2005-03-10
code\fcbgq.c 5573 2005-03-10
code\fer.c 7911 2005-03-10
code\filter.c 10317 2005-03-10
code\fndppf.c 14336 2005-03-10
code\getext1k.c 15537 2005-03-10
code\getgain.c 7237 2005-03-10
code\getopt.c 25805 2005-03-10
code\getres.c 6156 2005-03-10
dspmath\globdefs.c 5580 2005-03-10
code\globs.c 6249 2005-03-10
code\impulser.c 7302 2005-03-10
code\interpol.c 7046 2005-03-10
code\intr_cos.c 5704 2005-03-10
code\inv_sqrt.c 7725 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\lib_wmp_fx.c 43019 2005-03-10
code\lpcana.c 6012 2005-03-10
code\lsp2a.c 7377 2005-03-10
code\lspmaq.c 13248 2005-03-10
code\main.c 26080 2006-05-30
dsp_fx\math_adv.c 33319 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\math_adv40.c 23357 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\math_ext32.c 20228 2005-03-10
dsp_fx\math_ext40.c 21526 2005-03-10
dspmath\mathadv.c 22636 2005-03-10
dspmath\mathdp31.c 12933 2005-03-10
dspmath\mathevrc.c 63470 2005-03-10
code\maxeloc.c 5968 2005-03-10
code\mdfyorig.c 10534 2005-03-10
code\mod.c 6108 2005-03-10
code\ns127.c 23712 2005-03-10
code\pit_shrp.c 5955 2005-03-10
code\pktoav.c 6733 2005-03-10
code\pre_enc.c 8344 2005-03-10
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