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  • Category : SCM
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  • Update : 2017-12-04
  • Size : 172kb
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  • Author :nobit******
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this is c code for control led matrix, you can using hub08, or max7219. work fine
Packet file list
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FilenameSizeUpdate 181 2016-08-11 333 2016-08-11
matrixclock.config 86 2016-08-11
build\alarm.o 7304 2016-12-13
build\alarm.o.d 66 2016-12-13
build\bmp180.o 13084 2016-12-13
build\bmp180.o.d 86 2016-12-13
build\dht22.o 8852 2016-12-13
build\dht22.o.d 62 2016-12-13
build\display.o 35500 2016-12-13
build\display.o.d 266 2016-12-13
build\ds18x20.o 15224 2016-12-13
build\ds18x20.o.d 70 2016-12-13
build\font-cp1251-08.o 3084 2016-12-13
build\font-cp1251-08.o.d 62 2016-12-13
build\font-smallnum.o 2148 2016-12-13
build\font-smallnum.o.d 60 2016-12-13
build\ht1632.o 5356 2016-12-13
build\ht1632.o.d 66 2016-12-13
build\i2csw.o 7152 2016-12-13
build\i2csw.o.d 62 2016-12-13
build\main.o 10744 2016-12-13
build\main.o.d 258 2016-12-13
build\matrix.o 22700 2016-12-13
build\matrix.o.d 158 2016-12-13
build\matrixclock_max7219_atmega168.elf 73947 2016-12-13
build\max7219.o 5800 2016-12-13
build\max7219.o.d 70 2016-12-13
build\mtimer.o 6508 2016-12-13
build\mtimer.o.d 66 2016-12-13
build\rtc.o 9972 2016-12-13
build\rtc.o.d 74 2016-12-13
editor\aboutdialog.cpp 113 2016-08-11
editor\aboutdialog.h 233 2016-08-11
editor\aboutdialog.ui 4094 2016-08-11
editor\ 558 2016-08-11
editor\fontpixel.cpp 385 2016-08-11
editor\fontpixel.h 180 2016-08-11
editor\lcdconverter.cpp 8796 2016-08-11
editor\lcdconverter.h 411 2016-08-11
editor\main.cpp 172 2016-08-11
editor\mainwindow.cpp 12365 2016-08-11
editor\mainwindow.h 1230 2016-08-11
editor\mainwindow.ui 43036 2016-08-11
editor\res\matrixclock.png 859 2016-08-11
editor\res\matrixclock_en.bin 512 2016-08-11
editor\res.qrc 142 2016-08-11
editor\timespinbox.h 350 2016-08-11
eeprom\matrixclock_by.bin 512 2016-08-11
eeprom\matrixclock_en.bin 512 2016-08-11
eeprom\matrixclock_ru.bin 512 2016-08-11
eeprom\matrixclock_ua.bin 512 2016-08-11
files\.gitignore 36 2016-08-11
files\matrixclock_max7219_atmega328.hex.dsn 153470 2016-08-11
files\matrixclock_max7219_atmega8.hex.dsn 145462 2016-08-11
flash\matrixclock_max7219_atmega168.hex 24927 2016-12-13
alarm.c 1220 2016-08-11
bmp180.c 2102 2016-08-11
dht22.c 1503 2016-08-11
display.c 10108 2016-12-13
ds18x20.c 5057 2016-08-11
font-cp1251-08.c 10248 2016-08-11
font-smallnum.c 422 2016-08-11
ht1632.c 1453 2016-08-11
i2csw.c 1444 2016-08-11
main.c 3304 2016-08-11
matrix.c 6234 2016-08-11
max7219.c 1472 2016-08-11
mtimer.c 2409 2016-08-11
rtc.c 2167 2016-08-11
matrixclock.creator 10 2016-08-11
Makefile 1663 2016-12-13
matrixclock.files 265 2016-08-11
.gitignore 29 2016-08-11
alarm.h 565 2016-08-11
bmp180.h 894 2016-08-11
dht22.h 353 2016-08-11
display.h 1852 2016-08-11
ds18x20.h 1016 2016-08-11
eeprom.h 1388 2016-08-11
fonts.h 198 2016-08-11
ht1632.h 1013 2016-08-11
i2csw.h 277 2016-08-11
matrix.h 1775 2016-08-11
max7219.h 759 2016-08-11
mtimer.h 685 2016-08-11
pins.h 1440 2016-08-11
rtc.h 548 2016-08-11
matrixclock.includes 20 2016-08-11
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