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  • Category : Dialog_Window
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  • Update : 2017-12-10
  • Size : 403kb
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The name of this system is a small library management system. It has the following functions, which is good and can be used
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readMe.doc 28672 2003-06-27
Slib\ReadMe.txt 4083 2003-04-21
OOA+OOD.doc 85504 2005-04-09
OOP.doc 272384 2005-04-09
Slib\_recordset.h 3750 2003-04-22
Slib\Admin.h 1548 2003-05-03
Slib\adodc.h 3259 2003-04-22
Slib\Book.h 2347 2003-05-03
Slib\ChildFrm.h 1720 2003-04-21
Slib\ChildView.h 1267 2003-04-21
Slib\datacombo.h 3401 2003-04-22
Slib\datagrid.h 5127 2003-04-22
Slib\LAdminAdd.h 2024 2003-04-24
Slib\LAdminBorrow.h 1992 2003-04-24
Slib\LAdminDel.h 1876 2003-04-24
Slib\LAdminReturn.h 1993 2003-04-24
Slib\LAdminSearchLogView.h 1999 2003-04-22
Slib\LAdminSearchReader.h 2097 2003-04-22
Slib\LHelpDatabaseView.h 1854 2003-04-22
Slib\lib.h 1446 2003-04-21
Slib\Log.h 960 2003-04-27
Slib\LServeReader.h 1869 2003-04-22
Slib\LServerSearchView.h 1932 2003-04-22
Slib\LSystemLogDlg.h 1366 2003-04-26
Slib\MainFrm.h 2888 2003-04-26
Slib\Person.h 960 2003-05-03
Slib\Reader.h 1483 2003-05-03
Slib\resource.h 5745 2003-04-26
Slib\StdAfx.h 1112 2003-04-21
Slib\TheChildFrame.h 1261 2003-04-22
Slib\_recordset.cpp 12827 2003-04-22
Slib\Admin.cpp 9652 2003-05-03
Slib\adodc.cpp 8305 2003-04-22
Slib\Book.cpp 7459 2003-05-03
Slib\ChildFrm.cpp 2715 2003-04-21
Slib\ChildView.cpp 1163 2003-04-21
Slib\datacombo.cpp 9616 2003-04-25
Slib\datagrid.cpp 18573 2003-04-22
Slib\LAdminAdd.cpp 7553 2003-04-27
Slib\LAdminBorrow.cpp 7854 2003-04-27
Slib\LAdminDel.cpp 6290 2003-04-27
Slib\LAdminReturn.cpp 7053 2003-04-27
Slib\LAdminSearchLogView.cpp 4325 2003-04-27
Slib\LAdminSearchReader.cpp 6489 2003-04-27
Slib\LHelpDatabaseView.cpp 3298 2003-04-26
Slib\lib.cpp 4469 2003-04-21
Slib\Log.cpp 681 2003-04-27
Slib\LServeReader.cpp 3827 2003-04-26
Slib\LServerSearchView.cpp 3627 2003-04-26
Slib\LSystemLogDlg.cpp 2372 2003-04-27
Slib\MainFrm.cpp 11427 2004-03-02
Slib\Person.cpp 942 2003-05-03
Slib\Reader.cpp 5365 2003-05-03
Slib\StdAfx.cpp 205 2003-04-21
Slib\TheChildFrame.cpp 769 2003-04-21
Slib\res\Toolbar.bmp 1782 2003-12-26
Slib\res\复件 (2) Toolbar.bmp 1782 2003-12-26
Slib\res\复件 Toolbar.bmp 1782 2003-04-21
Slib\lib.aps 71616 2005-04-09
Slib\lib.clw 14142 2005-04-09
Slib\res\Thumbs.db 6656 2003-12-26
Slib\lib.dsp 8151 2003-04-26
Slib\lib.dsw 661 2003-04-22
Slib\res\lib.ico 1078 2003-04-24
图书馆04test.mdb 671744 2005-03-12
Slib\lib.ncb 820224 2005-04-09
Slib\lib.opt 48640 2005-04-09
Slib\lib.plg 3873 2005-04-09
Slib\lib.rc 54625 2005-04-09
Slib\res\lib.rc2 395 2003-04-21
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