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  • Update : 2017-12-10
  • Size : 118kb
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  • Author :rcyp%2******
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Using vc++ to realize the design system, the image processing research direction friend reference study!
Packet file list
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ReadMe.txt 4359 2003-12-06
BASEPARA.h 1256 2003-12-06
BaseTexture.h 1534 2003-12-06
ColorComboEx.h 1458 2003-12-06
DAOHANGQI.h 1630 2003-12-06
DeleteScatter.h 1423 2003-12-06
Designer.h 1687 2003-12-06
DesignerDoc.h 1550 2003-12-06
DesignerView.h 6610 2003-12-06
DIB.h 2223 2003-12-06
DIBAPI.H 297 2003-12-06
DrawPicture.h 1348 2003-12-06
EDGESELECT.h 1697 2003-12-06
EXCHANGECOLOR.h 1295 2003-12-06
MainFrm.h 1809 2003-12-06
olorExchange.h 1249 2003-12-06
ontrol.h 1916 2003-12-06
PENWUQI.h 1220 2003-12-06
REDUCECOLOR.h 1228 2003-12-06
Resource.h 12416 2003-12-06
StdAfx.h 1054 2003-12-06
TEXTRUE.h 1909 2003-12-06
TextureJW.h 1311 2003-12-06
WANGGCZ.h 1266 2003-12-06
add.cpp 2 2003-12-06
BASEPARA.cpp 1598 2003-12-06
BaseTexture.cpp 4377 2003-12-06
ColorComboEx.cpp 3866 2003-12-06
DAOHANGQI.cpp 3506 2003-12-06
DeleteScatter.cpp 2625 2003-12-06
Designer.cpp 5313 2003-12-06
DesignerDoc.cpp 2955 2003-12-06
DesignerView.cpp 64884 2003-12-06
DIB.cpp 48089 2003-12-06
DIBAPI.CPP 1586 2003-12-06
DrawPicture.cpp 9247 2003-12-06
EDGESELECT.cpp 1747 2003-12-06
EXCHANGECOLOR.cpp 1061 2003-12-06
MainFrm.cpp 3923 2003-12-06
olorExchange.cpp 1282 2003-12-06
ontrol.cpp 4139 2003-12-06
PENWUQI.cpp 1316 2003-12-06
REDUCECOLOR.cpp 1026 2003-12-06
StdAfx.cpp 210 2003-12-06
TEXTRUE.cpp 9236 2003-12-06
TextureJW.cpp 1725 2003-12-06
WANGGCZ.cpp 14806 2003-12-06
res\Toolbar.bmp 838 2003-12-06
res\toolbar1.bmp 958 2003-12-06
Designer.aps 72120 2003-12-06
Designer.clw 8145 2003-12-06
arrowcop.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cur00001.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cur00002.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cur00003.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cur00004.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cur00005.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cur00006.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cur00007.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cur00008.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\cursor1.cur 326 2003-12-06
res\pointer_.cur 326 2003-12-06
Designer.dsp 7721 2003-12-06
Designer.dsw 541 2003-12-06 179 2003-12-06
res\Designer.ico 1078 2003-12-06
res\DesignerDoc.ico 1078 2003-12-06
sdi.ico 1078 2003-12-06
Designer.ncb 295936 2004-01-17
Designer.opt 69632 2004-01-17
Designer.plg 6325 2004-01-17
Designer.rc 21348 2003-12-06
res\Designer.rc2 400 2003-12-06
mssccprj.scc 188 2003-12-06
vssver.scc 816 2003-12-06
~VC10C.tmp 48640 2003-12-06
R11.zuz 111 2003-12-06
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