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Location : Home Downloads SourceCode Windows Develop GUI Develop Dialog_Window
  • Category : Dialog_Window
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  • Update : 2017-12-11
  • Size : 124kb
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  • Author :mvsx+*****
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Interface programming, writing similar vc ++6 0 left controls, requires CJLibrary610 library, or CJLibrary609 library
Packet file list
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6CtrlBar.aps 56480 2005-08-31
CtrlBar.clw 5145 2006-01-05
CtrlBar.cpp 5805 2005-08-18
CtrlBar.dsp 7132 2005-08-23
CtrlBar.dsw 537 2005-08-16
CtrlBar.exe 61440 2006-01-05
CtrlBar.h 1734 2005-08-18
CtrlBar.ncb 148480 2006-01-05
CtrlBar.opt 75776 2006-01-05
CtrlBar.plg 3973 2006-01-05
CtrlBar.rc 14220 2005-08-31
CtrlBarDoc.cpp 1840 2005-08-18
CtrlBarDoc.h 1344 2005-08-18
CtrlBarView.cpp 3103 2005-08-19
CtrlBarView.h 1928 2005-08-19
DialogPar.cpp 2541 2005-08-31
DialogPar.h 1310 2005-08-31
FDLgVIEW.cpp 1523 2005-08-31
FDLgVIEW.h 1572 2005-08-31
FormDialogDoc.cpp 1591 2005-08-18
FormDialogDoc.h 1484 2005-08-18
FormDialogView.cpp 3574 2005-08-23
FormDialogView.h 1933 2005-08-19
MainFrm.cpp 12673 2005-08-31
MainFrm.h 2406 2005-08-23
ReadMe.txt 4335 2005-08-16
Resource.h 1640 2005-08-23
res\bitmap2.bmp 598 2005-08-18
res\CtrlBar.ico 1078 2005-08-16
res\CtrlBar.rc2 399 2005-08-16
res\CtrlBarDoc.ico 1078 2005-08-16
res\hot_toolbar.bmp 13254 1999-11-11
res\il_class.bmp 2102 2005-08-16
res\il_file.bmp 2102 2005-08-16
res\il_rsrc.bmp 1590 2005-08-16
res\il_tab.bmp 2870 2005-08-18
res\tabbar.bmp 598 2005-08-18
res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2005-08-16
StdAfx.cpp 209 2005-08-16
StdAfx.h 1222 2005-08-19
TabClassDoc.cpp 1804 2005-08-16
TabClassDoc.h 1379 2005-08-18
TabClassView.cpp 4137 2005-08-19
TabClassView.h 2060 1999-08-02
TabFileDoc.cpp 1782 2005-08-16
TabFileDoc.h 1368 1999-08-02
TabFileView.cpp 4241 2005-08-16
TabFileView.h 2044 1999-08-02
TabResourceDoc.cpp 1872 2005-08-18
TabResourceDoc.h 1412 1999-08-02
TabResourceView.cpp 4233 2005-08-16
TabResourceView.h 2108 1999-08-02
WorkBar.cpp 981 2005-08-17
WorkBar.h 1206 2005-08-17
WorkBarDoc.cpp 1567 2005-08-17
WorkBarDoc.h 1418 2005-08-18
WorkBarView.cpp 4021 2005-08-18
WorkBarView.h 2392 2005-08-18
WorkTree.cpp 21785 2005-08-19
WorkTree.h 2883 2005-08-19
WorkTreeDoc.cpp 1452 2005-08-17
WorkTreeDoc.h 1405 2005-08-18
WorkTreeView.cpp 2228 2005-08-19
WorkTreeView.h 1362 2005-08-19
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