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  • Update : 2017-12-11
  • Size : 235kb
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  • Author :rrauir*******
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Packet file list
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readme.htm 99811 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\readme.txt 621 2017-04-11
uCPL.TXT 11666 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\HTML\1033\AppType.htm 18649 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\HTML\1033\default.htm 19999 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\HTML\1033\UIFeatures.htm 19625 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Scripts\1033\default.js 15271 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\setup70.js 3410 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\setup71.js 3474 2017-04-11
Samples\GuidGen\aboutdlg.h 558 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\aboutdlg.h 567 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\aboutdlg.h 709 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\AboutDlg.h 1325 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\Alpha.h 12 2017-04-11
include\atlapp.h 28410 2017-04-11
include\atlcrack.h 50041 2017-04-11
include\atlctrls.h 242589 2017-04-11
include\atlctrlw.h 112660 2017-04-11
include\atlctrlx.h 72297 2017-04-11
include\atlddx.h 15680 2017-04-11
include\atldlgs.h 90148 2017-04-11
include\atlframe.h 99347 2017-04-11
include\atlgdi.h 87844 2017-04-11
include\atlmisc.h 100336 2017-04-11
include\atlprint.h 22642 2017-04-11
include\atlres.h 9579 2017-04-11
include\atlresce.h 1575 2017-04-11
include\atlscrl.h 31706 2017-04-11
include\atlsplit.h 24087 2017-04-11
include\atltheme.h 19202 2017-04-11
include\atluser.h 13439 2017-04-11
include\atlwinx.h 6693 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\ChildFrm.h 2528 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\Frame.h 9703 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\list.h 2707 2017-04-11
Samples\GuidGen\maindlg.h 7202 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\MainDlg.h 7839 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\mainfrm.h 4607 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\mainfrm.h 17234 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\mainfrm.h 19696 2017-04-11
Samples\MDIDocVw\mainfrm.h 20097 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\MTPad.h 3611 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\props.h 9367 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\resource.h 544 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\resource.h 963 2017-04-11
Samples\GuidGen\resource.h 1233 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\resource.h 1250 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\resource.h 1281 2017-04-11
Samples\MDIDocVw\resource.h 1509 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\resourcece.h 968 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\resourcece.h 1286 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\resourceppc.h 1287 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\root.h 29 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\rootidl.h 137 2017-04-11
Samples\MDIDocVw\stdafx.h 96 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\stdafx.h 556 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\stdafx.h 794 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\stdafx.h 1179 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\stdatl.h 328 2017-04-11
Samples\GuidGen\stdatl.h 510 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\view.h 947 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\view.h 2047 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\View.h 2689 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\view.h 12409 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\AboutDlg.cpp 508 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\Alpha.cpp 1108 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\BmpView.cpp 1700 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\ChildFrm.cpp 1529 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\Frame.cpp 6396 2017-04-11
Samples\GuidGen\GuidGen.cpp 1067 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\MainDlg.cpp 4867 2017-04-11
Samples\MDIDocVw\MDI.cpp 777 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\MTPad.cpp 1496 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\root.cpp 8303 2017-04-11
Samples\MDIDocVw\stdafx.cpp 102 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\stdafx.cpp 282 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\stdafx.cpp 332 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\stdafx.cpp 494 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\stdatl.cpp 126 2017-04-11
Samples\GuidGen\stdatl.cpp 308 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\View.cpp 1528 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\Templates.inf 702 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\res\printpre.bmp 1018 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\toolbar.bmp 1078 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\res\Toolbar.bmp 1318 2017-04-11
Samples\MDIDocVw\res\Toolbar.bmp 1438 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\res\Toolbar.bmp 1678 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\res\toolbar.bmp 8246 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\res\toolbar_old.bmp 1078 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\res\ToolbarCE.bmp 838 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\res\ToolbarCE.bmp 1078 2017-04-11
XAppWiz70\Files\Templates\1033\rootps.def 242 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\Alpha.dsp 4712 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\BmpView.dsp 5129 2017-04-11
Samples\GuidGen\GuidGen.dsp 4646 2017-04-11
Samples\MDIDocVw\MDI.dsp 4861 2017-04-11
Samples\MTPad\MTPad.dsp 4923 2017-04-11
Samples\Alpha\Alpha.dsw 533 2017-04-11
Samples\BmpView\BmpView.dsw 539 2017-04-11
Samples\GuidGen\GuidGen.dsw 537 2017-04-11
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