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  • Update : 2017-12-16
  • Size : 430kb
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  • Author :johl*****
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Some soutrce code dealing with color profile
Packet file list
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README.1ST 2948 2004-04-07
Lib\BC\BC.txt 2 2003-11-22
xbbin\Bin.txt 3 2003-11-22
doc\LCMSAPI.TXT 81952 2004-05-10
Lib\MS\MS.TXT 2 2003-11-22
doc\TUTORIAL.TXT 66179 2004-05-10
Projects\BorlandC_5.5\lcms113dll.lst 577 2004-04-14
Projects\BorlandC_5.5\lcms113dll.bat 323 2004-04-14
Delphi\Samples\MAKETEST.BAT 51 2001-08-30
Projects\BorlandC_5.5\lcms113dll.cmd 372 2004-04-14
include\icc34.h 40389 2003-11-22
jpegicc\iccjpeg.h 2719 2003-11-22
include\lcms.h 67998 2004-04-24
Projects\VC6\resource.h 435 2003-11-22
Projects\VC7\resource.h 435 2003-11-26
src\cmscam02.c 13883 2004-02-02
src\cmscam97.c 20664 2004-02-02
src\cmscgats.c 56712 2004-05-10
src\cmscnvrt.c 21499 2004-04-28
src\cmserr.c 3180 2004-02-02
src\cmsgamma.c 24866 2004-02-02
src\cmsgmt.c 27379 2004-02-02
src\cmsintrp.c 29344 2004-04-07
src\cmsio1.c 101536 2004-04-14
src\cmslut.c 16092 2004-02-02
src\cmsmatsh.c 10899 2004-02-02
src\cmsmtrx.c 14945 2004-04-03
src\cmsnamed.c 5169 2004-04-14
src\cmspack.c 53217 2004-02-02
src\cmspcs.c 13194 2004-04-24
src\cmsps2.c 44165 2004-02-02
src\cmssamp.c 7352 2004-04-24
src\cmsvirt.c 22449 2004-04-05
src\cmswtpnt.c 20553 2004-05-19
src\cmsxform.c 50806 2004-04-14
filter.c 3431 2003-11-22
jpegicc\getopt.c 1725 2003-11-22
tifficc\GETOPT.C 1725 2003-11-22
samples\icc2ps.c 5513 2004-05-07
jpegicc\iccjpeg.c 8606 2003-11-22
samples\icclink.c 10608 2004-05-07
samples\icctrans.c 17317 2004-05-07
samples\itufax.c 4481 2004-05-07
jpegicc\JCCOLOR.C 18762 2003-11-22
jpegicc\JDCOLOR.C 15711 2003-11-22
jpegicc\jpegicc.c 23160 2004-05-19
samples\mkcmy.c 4973 2004-05-07
samples\mkgrayer.c 2400 2004-05-07
samples\mktiff8.c 3271 2004-05-07
testbed\testcms.c 54516 2004-05-12
tifficc\tifficc.c 30959 2004-05-19
samples\wtpt.c 2986 2004-05-07
samples\xgetopt.c 1726 2003-11-22
Projects\BCB4\lcms113.cpp 950 2004-04-07
Projects\BCB4\lcmsdll.cpp 2320 2004-04-07
Projects\BCB4\TESTCMS.CPP 406 2004-04-07
xbbin\lcms.dll 225280 2004-05-19
kBAUTHORS 60 2003-11-22
NEWS 770 2004-05-07
QCOPYING 1079 2004-05-08
Projects\BCB4\LCMS113.BPG 862 2004-04-07
Projects\BCB4\lcms113.bpr 4828 2004-04-07
Projects\BCB4\lcmsdll.bpr 5742 2004-04-07
Projects\BCB4\testcms.bpr 4903 2004-04-07
Delphi\demo1.dcu 9577 2004-05-08
Delphi\lcmsdll.dcu 23192 2004-05-08
src\lcms.def 8018 2004-04-19
Projects\BCB4\lcmsbcb4.def 5929 2003-12-20
Delphi\demo1.dfm 2119 2003-11-26
Delphi\delphidemo.dpr 190 2001-12-01
Projects\VC6\icc2ps.dsp 4020 2003-11-22
Projects\VC6\icclink.dsp 4100 2003-07-29
Projects\VC6\icctrans.dsp 4052 2003-02-14
Projects\VC6\jpegicc.dsp 4387 2003-07-29
Projects\VC6\lcms113.dsp 4687 2004-04-14
Projects\VC6\lcmsdll.dsp 5828 2004-04-14
Projects\VC6\Python.dsp 4764 2004-04-14
Projects\VC6\Testbed.dsp 4491 2003-11-22
Projects\VC6\tifficc.dsp 4152 2003-11-22
Projects\VC6\lcms113.dsw 2681 2004-04-14
Python\lcms.i 17559 2004-05-08
Delphi\Samples\sRGB Color Space Profile.icm 3144 1999-12-16
testbed\sRGB Color Space Profile.icm 3144 2001-01-20
testbed\sRGBSpac.icm 28202 2001-10-29
Delphi\Samples\create.pas 1723 2003-02-12
Delphi\demo1.pas 6336 2003-06-25
Delphi\Samples\gamutchk.pas 1258 2003-02-12
Delphi\Samples\getxyz.pas 1518 2003-02-12
Delphi\LCMSDLL.PAS 43116 2004-05-08
Delphi\Samples\TEST.PAS 1927 2003-02-12
Delphi\Samples\testfrm.pas 2329 2003-02-12
Delphi\Samples\testwp.pas 2179 2003-02-12
Python\testbed\ 412 2002-10-17
Python\testbed\ 1169 2004-04-14
Python\testbed\ 303 2002-10-17
Python\testbed\ 439 2002-10-17
Python\testbed\ 842 2002-11-30
Python\testbed\ 728 2002-10-17
Python\testbed\ 620 2002-10-17
Python\testbed\ 830 2002-11-30
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