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  • Update : 2017-12-20
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
.net food and beverage management system new source code 20171002 Network collation hopes to help people
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
.vs\MrCy\v14\.suo 103424 2017-12-14
MrCy\AboutBox1.cs 5382 2007-12-05
MrCy\AboutBox1.Designer.cs 10539 2007-12-05
MrCy\AboutBox1.resx 49720 2007-12-05
MrCy\BaseClass\DBConn.cs 311 2007-10-31
MrCy\bin\Debug\MrCy.exe 482816 2017-12-08
MrCy\bin\Debug\MrCy.pdb 153088 2017-12-08
MrCy\bin\Debug\MrCy.vshost.exe 14328 2010-08-11
MrCy\bin\Debug\MrCy.vshost.exe.manifest 490 2009-06-11
MrCy\Database\db_MrCy.MDF 1048576 2011-03-18
MrCy\Database\db_MrCy_Log.LDF 1048576 2011-03-18
MrCy\frmBF.cs 1697 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmBF.Designer.cs 4265 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmBF.resx 5814 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmCalender.cs 341 2007-11-02
MrCy\frmCalender.Designer.cs 2500 2007-11-02
MrCy\frmCalender.resx 5814 2007-11-02
MrCy\frmDC.cs 7497 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmDC.Designer.cs 18670 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmDC.resx 7102 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmDesk.cs 5429 2007-12-06
MrCy\frmDesk.Designer.cs 19388 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmDesk.resx 7102 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmDetails.cs 1722 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmDetails.Designer.cs 12484 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmDetails.resx 5814 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmHF.cs 1588 2007-12-06
MrCy\frmHF.Designer.cs 4237 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmHF.resx 5814 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmJZ.cs 4215 2007-12-06
MrCy\frmJZ.Designer.cs 12195 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmJZ.resx 7102 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmLock.cs 1412 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmLock.Designer.cs 4334 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmLock.resx 5814 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmLogin.cs 2742 2017-12-08
MrCy\frmLogin.Designer.cs 6017 2017-12-09
MrCy\frmLogin.resx 5814 2017-12-09
MrCy\frmMain.cs 8873 2007-12-06
MrCy\frmMain.Designer.cs 45318 2007-12-06
MrCy\frmMain.resx 16014 2007-12-06
MrCy\frmOpen.cs 2375 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmOpen.Designer.cs 10078 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmOpen.resx 5814 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmPwd.cs 1616 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmPwd.Designer.cs 5389 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmPwd.resx 5814 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmQxGl.cs 1723 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmQxGl.Designer.cs 5063 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmQxGl.resx 5814 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmSerch.cs 1116 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmSerch.Designer.cs 6838 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmSerch.resx 7102 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmUser.cs 5591 2007-12-06
MrCy\frmUser.Designer.cs 19578 2007-12-05
MrCy\frmUser.resx 7102 2007-12-05
MrCy\Image\a_1.gif 2070 2007-12-04
MrCy\Image\a_1.jpg 12930 2007-10-31
MrCy\Image\a_2.gif 2142 2007-12-04
MrCy\Image\a_2.jpg 13545 2007-10-31
MrCy\Image\bg.jpg 43334 2007-11-01
MrCy\Image\bg0.jpg 264202 2007-11-01
MrCy\Image\bg_03.gif 286 2007-12-04
MrCy\Image\j_1.gif 1865 2007-10-31
MrCy\Image\login.jpg 69520 2007-12-05
MrCy\MrCy.csproj 11146 2014-08-22
MrCy\MrCy.csproj.user 604 2014-08-22
MrCy\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache 1230 2017-12-09
MrCy\obj\Debug\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache 7729 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.AboutBox1.resources 29179 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt 6133 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache 1985 2017-12-08
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache 1340 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.exe 482816 2017-12-08
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmBF.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmCalender.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmDC.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmDesk.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmDetails.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmHF.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmJZ.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmLock.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmLogin.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmMain.resources 6539 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmOpen.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmPwd.resources 180 2017-12-07
MrCy\obj\Debug\MrCy.frmQxGl.resources 180 2017-12-07
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