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  • Category : Education soft system
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  • Update : 2017-12-20
  • Size : 426kb
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  • Author :Bhask******
  • About : Nobody
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java solution for a black jack solving program
Packet file list
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aigaming.ico 32038 2017-08-16
App.config 1255 2017-10-19
App.xaml 372 2017-08-16
App.xaml.cs 342 2017-08-16
Blackjack.cs 1463 2017-08-16
Blackjack.csproj 12869 2017-10-19
Blackjack.sln 1213 2017-10-19
BlackjackDesk.xaml 5557 2017-08-16
BlackjackDesk.xaml.cs 5629 2017-08-16
log4net.config 1319 2017-08-16
MainWindow.xaml 487 2017-08-16
MainWindow.xaml.cs 408 2017-08-16
packages.config 614 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\2c.png 3980 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\2d.png 3742 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\2h.png 3953 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\2s.png 3969 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\3c.png 4397 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\3d.png 3997 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\3h.png 4312 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\3s.png 4469 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\4c.png 4422 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\4d.png 4081 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\4h.png 4422 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\4s.png 4499 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\5c.png 5032 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\5d.png 4417 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\5h.png 4915 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\5s.png 4986 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\6c.png 5342 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\6d.png 4777 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\6h.png 5163 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\6s.png 5347 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\7c.png 4485 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\7d.png 4351 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\7h.png 5035 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\7s.png 4794 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\8c.png 5253 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\8d.png 5092 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\8h.png 5847 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\8s.png 5564 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\9c.png 5396 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\9d.png 5093 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\9h.png 5667 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\9s.png 5429 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\ac.png 3402 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\ad.png 3276 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\ah.png 3414 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\as.png 4539 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\back-blue.png 8362 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\back.png 9048 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\dealer.png 574 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\jc.png 9082 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\jd.png 8676 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\jh.png 8983 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\joker.png 6251 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\js.png 8808 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\kc.png 9348 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\kd.png 9956 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\kh.png 9783 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\ks.png 9035 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\qc.png 9351 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\qd.png 9276 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\qh.png 9381 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\qs.png 9715 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\tc.png 5476 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\td.png 5013 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\th.png 5720 2017-08-16
Images\Cards\64 x 90\ts.png 5760 2017-08-16
Libs\AIGaming.Client.dll 58880 2017-10-19
Libs\AIGaming.Common.dll 132096 2017-10-19
Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 2432 2017-08-16
Properties\Resources.Designer.cs 2846 2017-08-16
Properties\Resources.resx 5612 2017-08-16
Properties\Settings.Designer.cs 1092 2017-08-16
Properties\Settings.settings 201 2017-08-16
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