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  • Category : ICQ-IM-Chat
  • Tags :
  • Update : 2017-12-21
  • Size : 4.62mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :李四苏***
  • About : Nobody
  • PS : If download it fails, try it again. Download again for free!
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The client server of the chat room, the client of the chat room, the graphical interface based on the MFC, is implemented with C++
Packet file list
(Preview for download)
Tc\CSocket.cpp 1162 2017-12-14
Tc\CSocket.h 1283 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\CSocket.obj 17124 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\Msg.obj 18689 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\StdAfx.obj 106462 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\Tc.exe 118828 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\Tc.ilk 277700 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\Tc.obj 24730 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\Tc.pch 5706556 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\Tc.pdb 435200 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\Tc.res 2796 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\TcDlg.obj 58221 2017-12-14
Tc\Debug\vc60.idb 336896 2017-12-21
Tc\Debug\vc60.pdb 364544 2017-12-14
Tc\Msg.cpp 945 2017-12-14
Tc\Msg.h 556 2017-12-14
Tc\ReadMe.txt 3507 2017-12-14
Tc\Resource.h 1047 2017-12-14
Tc\StdAfx.cpp 204 2017-12-14
Tc\StdAfx.h 1102 2017-12-14
Tc\Tc.aps 21192 2017-12-14
Tc\Tc.clw 1596 2017-12-14
Tc\Tc.cpp 2101 2017-12-14
Tc\Tc.dsp 4342 2017-12-14
Tc\Tc.dsw 529 2017-12-14
Tc\Tc.h 1280 2017-12-14
Tc\Tc.ncb 82944 2017-12-18
Tc\Tc.opt 54784 2017-12-18
Tc\Tc.plg 1035 2017-12-14
Tc\Tc.rc 5855 2017-12-14
Tc\TcDlg.cpp 8244 2017-12-14
Tc\TcDlg.h 1775 2017-12-14
Tc\res\Tc.ico 1078 2017-12-14
Tc\res\Tc.rc2 394 2017-12-14
Ts\CSocket.cpp 1856 2017-12-14
Ts\CSocket.h 1487 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\CSocket.obj 23423 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\LSocket.obj 16456 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\Msg.obj 17020 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\StdAfx.obj 106479 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\Ts.exe 114732 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\Ts.ilk 277240 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\Ts.obj 24401 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\Ts.pch 5582168 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\Ts.pdb 443392 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\Ts.res 2596 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\TsDlg.obj 49029 2017-12-14
Ts\Debug\vc60.idb 353280 2017-12-21
Ts\Debug\vc60.pdb 364544 2017-12-14
Ts\LSocket.cpp 939 2017-12-14
Ts\LSocket.h 1242 2017-12-14
Ts\Msg.cpp 793 2017-12-14
Ts\Msg.h 564 2017-12-14
Ts\ReadMe.txt 3507 2017-12-14
Ts\Resource.h 955 2017-12-14
Ts\StdAfx.cpp 204 2017-12-14
Ts\StdAfx.h 1102 2017-12-14
Ts\Ts.aps 20868 2017-12-14
Ts\Ts.clw 1547 2017-12-14
Ts\Ts.cpp 2101 2017-12-14
Ts\Ts.dsp 4468 2017-12-14
Ts\Ts.dsw 529 2017-12-14
Ts\Ts.h 1280 2017-12-14
Ts\Ts.ncb 91136 2017-12-18
Ts\Ts.opt 55808 2017-12-18
Ts\Ts.plg 1212 2017-12-14
Ts\Ts.rc 5529 2017-12-14
Ts\TsDlg.cpp 6868 2017-12-14
Ts\TsDlg.h 1718 2017-12-14
Ts\res\Ts.ico 1078 2017-12-14
Ts\res\Ts.rc2 394 2017-12-14
Related instructions
  • We are an exchange download platform that only provides communication channels. The downloaded content comes from the internet. Except for download issues, please Google on your own.
  • The downloaded content is provided for members to upload. If it unintentionally infringes on your copyright, please contact us.
  • Please use Winrar for decompression tools
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