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  • Category : Dialog_Window
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  • Update : 2017-12-22
  • Size : 221kb
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  • Author :muvtf******
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The easy language master, the COM research data in front of you, is very complete.
Packet file list
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5AnupGhosh.doc 53248 2008-04-25
ConnectionPoint\Advise.txt 2191 2008-08-25
FSO.txt 5869 2008-04-27
未完成\IDispatch.txt 2995 2008-07-13
未完成\Main_Interface_frm.txt 43286 2008-11-05
XMLHTTP.txt 2196 2008-04-27
ConnectionPoint\无标题.txt 657 2008-05-17
在.Net 中枚举COM对象的方法和属性名称.txt 7957 2008-04-27
Object.bak 25916 2008-11-06
public\com.exe 11776 2009-02-17
public\EBHO.dll 19968 2008-11-23
ConnectionPoint\1.e 38287 2008-11-24
public\bho.e 24172 2008-11-23\CallInstanceMethod.e 13692 2008-05-24
public\CCOM.e 3874 2008-11-22
未完成\CCom.e 10948 2008-12-14
未完成\CComVtblManager.e 9312 2009-01-15
public\COM EXE.e 11260 2009-02-17
public\COM.e 8472 2008-11-22
CreateObject.e 4842 2008-05-21
未完成\CreateStdDispatch.e 18171 2008-11-20
DoDragDrop.e 8286 2008-05-26
DropTarget.e 8931 2008-04-06
ConnectionPoint\ec.e 41218 2008-05-18
未完成\Enum ITypeInfo EC.e 30809 2008-07-28
Enum IUnknown.e 8455 2008-04-06
Enum IUnknown2.e 14111 2008-04-25\last\Enum TypeInfo 2.e 23131 2008-04-28\last\Enum TypeInfo 3.e 26319 2008-05-09\last\Enum TypeInfo.e 14706 2008-04-27\Enum TypeInfo.e 43070 2008-08-15\Enum TypeLibaray.e 26855 2008-05-24
HCallInstanceMethod.e 9212 2008-05-21
hookObject.e 19614 2008-04-22
hookObject_bak.e 6779 2008-04-22
hookObject2.e 14044 2008-04-23
未完成\HTMLDocument Event.e 21270 2008-05-24
HTMLDocumentEvents2.e 23995 2008-04-29
HTMLDocumentEvents2_ConnectionPoint 2.e 22263 2008-05-17
HTMLDocumentEvents2_ConnectionPoint.e 24408 2008-05-16
HTMLDocumentEvents2_IDispatch.e 17095 2008-04-22
未完成\IDirectDraw.e 10054 2008-05-31
IDispatch.e 13449 2008-04-25\IDispatch.e 19044 2008-04-28
IDispatch_接口原形.e 10686 2008-04-28
IScriptControl.e 19702 2008-12-12
未完成\IScriptControl.e 23525 2008-11-05
未完成\IScriptControl.过程.e 23525 2008-11-05
IStream 2.e 17475 2008-07-22
IStream.e 14551 2008-07-22
未完成\IViewObject Draw\IViewObject Draw.e 7109 2009-02-24
未完成\IXMLHTTPRequest.e 4020 2008-11-07
public\MissWho.Test.1.e 19063 2008-12-30
Object.e 31506 2008-11-07
RMListView_ICustomDraw.e 13243 2008-07-31
URLDownloadToFile RC.e 7692 2008-05-25
URLDownloadToFile.e 8692 2009-01-04
未完成\IViewObject Draw\vvv.e 51793 2009-02-24
未完成\Word Events.e 15968 2008-05-29
未完成\辅助.e 13030 2008-11-10
未完成\挂接.e 33356 2008-07-14
挂接事件 例程.e 31792 2008-05-17
挂接事件 原始.e 30108 2008-06-17
枚举对象集合.e 14001 2008-08-13
枚举连接点.e 43526 2008-08-08
未完成\枚举连接点事件&DispId.e 25452 2008-08-05
调用IUNKNOW接口.e 6384 2008-01-29\ 12086 2008-05-24 3585 2008-05-18 2865 2008-04-04
挂接事件.ec 18533 2008-05-17
枚举对象集合.ec 11537 2008-08-14
枚举事件接口.ec 36994 2008-08-08
未完成\IViewObject Draw\vb HTTPtoJPEG\Form1.frm 3754 2009-02-23
public\COM EXE.reg 664 2009-02-17
未完成\IViewObject Draw\vb HTTPtoJPEG\工程1.vbp 825 2009-02-23
未完成\IViewObject Draw\vb HTTPtoJPEG\工程1.vbw 50 2009-02-24
未完成\IViewObject Draw\vb HTTPtoJPEG.rar 2105 2009-02-24
未完成\IViewObject Draw\ 3856 2009-02-24
未完成\IViewObject Draw\vb HTTPtoJPEG
未完成\IViewObject Draw\last
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