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  • Category : Internet-Network
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  • Update : 2017-12-25
  • Size : 671kb
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  • Author :小太阳***
  • About : Nobody
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
The system consists of a public module and three main functional modules: (1) database connection public module (2) student module: students can select the courses online, check credits, and again, and can change their personal information. (3) teacher module: teachers can accept the courses chosen by the students and the right to score students. Only by accepting students first can they score the student. (4) management module: include new, change, delete students, teachers, courses, and classes.
Packet file list
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class\.classpath 340 2017-12-20
class\.mymetadata 288 2017-12-20
class\.project 1223 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 3037 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 5819 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 7781 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 4471 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 7952 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 3765 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 3346 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 7040 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 3252 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 3518 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 4082 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 6627 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 3384 2017-12-20
class\src\cla\ 6987 2017-12-20
class\src\encode\ 1009 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\AddClass.jsp 3569 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\Addcourse.jsp 2577 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\addstudent.jsp 2225 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\addteacher.jsp 1651 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\admin.jsp 1066 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\checkmark.jsp 1252 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\choosestu.jsp 1381 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\DisplayCourse.jsp 2063 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\displaystu.jsp 1779 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\errorpage.jsp 797 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\getClass.jsp 2033 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\getcourse.jsp 1749 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\getStudent.jsp 2379 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\getteacher.jsp 1597 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\image\123.jpg 181044 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\image\admin.jpg 207209 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\image\stu.jpg 151636 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\image\tea.jpg 124036 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\index.jsp 834 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\login.jsp 8279 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\marking.jsp 1105 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF 39 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\public.jsp 1188 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\score.jsp 1862 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\student.jsp 1076 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\teacher.jsp 802 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\updateClass.jsp 3750 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\updatecour.jsp 2376 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\updateinformation.jsp 1717 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\updatestu.jsp 2143 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\updatetea.jsp 1488 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\checkEnrol.class 4002 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\classp.class 4664 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\ClassSvlt.class 5637 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\course.class 3977 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\CourseSvlt.class 5769 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\determine.class 3008 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\login_confirm.class 3883 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\MarkSvlt.class 4641 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\sqlBean.class 3163 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\student.class 3444 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\StudentLoginSvlt.class 4813 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\StudentSvlt.class 5337 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\teacher.class 3053 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\cla\TeacherSvlt.class 5061 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\encode\EncodingFilter.class 1646 2017-12-20
class\WebRoot\WEB-INF\web.xml 2212 2017-12-20
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