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  • Update : 2017-12-25
  • Size : 378kb
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  • Author :DadW****
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Extraction of homogeneous and heterogeneous factor factor using the principal component method of Bai Jushan and mixing data, then use tvpSV method for stochastic volatility factor analysis on income
Packet file list
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ExtractFactor.m 2515 2017-12-12
Factor.xlsx 81582 2017-12-12
getdata.m 735 2017-12-11
main.m 713 2017-12-12
nbpiid.m 1399 2017-12-06
nbplog.m 1397 2017-12-06
season_adjust.m 619 2017-12-11
Test_Stability.m 1026 2017-12-11
TVP_VAR_SV.m 20275 2017-12-12
data1211\MM1211b.xlsx 235722 2017-12-11
data1211\QQ1211b.xlsx 34909 2017-12-11
functions\carter_kohn.m 1178 2013-12-02
functions\carter_kohn2.m 1113 2017-12-09
functions\carter_kohn3.m 1185 2013-12-02
functions\cols.m 293 2013-12-02
functions\corrvc.m 942 2013-12-02
functions\create_RHS.m 409 2013-12-02
functions\create_RHS_no_int.m 408 2013-12-02
functions\cumsumc.m 710 2013-12-02
functions\discrete.m 752 2013-12-02
functions\drawCOVt.m 1178 2013-12-02
functions\drawInitCond.m 519 2013-12-02
functions\drawP.m 558 2013-12-02
functions\drawPun.m 555 2013-12-02
functions\drawQshrinkageIG.m 493 2013-12-17
functions\drawQshrinkageIW.m 389 2013-12-17
functions\drawQsimpleIG.m 479 2013-12-17
functions\drawQsimpleIW.m 369 2013-12-17
functions\drawSIGMAt.m 584 2013-12-02
functions\drawstatesSV.m 1657 2013-12-02
functions\drawstatesun.m 1665 2013-12-02
functions\drawTVCoeff.m 1126 2017-12-11
functions\estvar.m 1042 2013-12-02
functions\extract.m 527 2013-12-02
functions\gamm_rnd.m 2035 2013-12-02
functions\impulse.m 989 2013-12-02
functions\invgamrnd.m 361 2013-12-02
functions\IRFVAR.m 223 2013-12-02
functions\Kalman_companion.m 1283 2013-12-02
functions\kfgibbsnvSV.m 2250 2013-12-02
functions\kfgibbsnvTVP.m 2342 2013-12-02
functions\kfgibbsnvTVP2.m 2603 2013-12-02
functions\lag.m 1492 2013-12-02
functions\mlag2.m 357 2017-12-07
functions\mvnrnd.m 1842 2013-12-02
functions\normgenSV.m 1093 2013-12-02
functions\olssvd.m 281 2013-12-02
functions\quantile.m 1810 2013-12-02
functions\rows.m 287 2013-12-02
functions\selif.m 738 2013-12-02
functions\shortandlong.m 2920 2013-12-02
functions\shrink_IG.m 397 2013-12-17
functions\shrink_Jeffreys.m 324 2013-12-17
functions\standardize_miss.m 515 2013-12-02
functions\stationarity_check.m 1286 2013-12-02
functions\sumc.m 645 2013-12-02
functions\SVRW.m 1238 2013-12-02
functions\SVRW2.m 906 2017-12-10
functions\transx.m 2010 2013-12-02
functions\trilvec.m 539 2013-12-02
functions\trimr.m 784 2013-12-02
functions\ts_prior.m 2158 2013-12-02
functions\ts_prior_ols.m 1076 2013-12-28
functions\wish.m 507 2013-12-02
BaiJuShan.m 451 2017-12-06
DataHandle.m 752 2017-12-11
DieDai.m 2125 2017-12-11
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