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  • Update : 2017-12-26
  • Size : 1.46mb
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  • Author :fanxi******
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jQuery v3.2.1 API Reference(zh-cn). It was translated by me. Query is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. If you're new to jQuery, we recommend that you check out the jQuery Learning Center.
Packet file list
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category-callbacks-object.htm 7217 2017-12-20
category-core.htm 6915 2017-12-20
blur.htm 11477 2017-12-20
main.js 8176 2017-12-20
api.htm 219154 2017-11-08
premium.css 6400 2017-11-05
style.css 6582 2017-11-05
index22.html 10746 2017-10-16
tree.html 9722 2017-10-16
theme.css 21206 2017-10-08
jq-nav-icons.png 15953 2017-10-07
favicon.ico 1150 2017-10-07
jquery.js 84349 2017-09-28
root-selector.htm 8471 2017-12-20
scroll.htm 19226 2017-12-20
scrollLeft.htm 19979 2017-12-20
scrollTop.htm 19311 2017-12-20
select.htm 17142 2017-12-20
selected-selector.htm 12647 2017-12-20
selector.htm 5541 2017-12-20
serialize.htm 21525 2017-12-20
serializeArray.htm 30009 2017-12-20
show.htm 44583 2017-12-20
siblings.htm 24215 2017-12-20
size.htm 14513 2017-12-20
slice.htm 25705 2017-12-20
slideDown.htm 37663 2017-12-20
slideToggle.htm 39636 2017-12-20
slideUp.htm 36241 2017-12-20
stop.htm 28411 2017-12-20
submit.htm 22986 2017-12-20
submit-selector.htm 28135 2017-12-20
target-selector.htm 4036 2017-12-20
text.htm 25682 2017-12-20
text-selector.htm 16525 2017-12-20
toArray.htm 10732 2017-12-20
toggle.htm 38433 2017-12-20
toggleClass.htm 45888 2017-12-20
toggle-event.htm 11521 2017-12-20
trigger.htm 26809 2017-12-20
triggerHandler.htm 13710 2017-12-20
Types.htm 105962 2017-12-20
unbind.htm 29338 2017-12-20
undelegate.htm 21887 2017-12-20
unload.htm 9628 2017-12-20
unwrap.htm 11635 2017-12-20
val.htm 49067 2017-12-20
visible-selector.htm 13881 2017-12-20
width.htm 31014 2017-12-20
wrap.htm 39685 2017-12-20
wrapAll.htm 35566 2017-12-20
wrapInner.htm 35631 2017-12-20
category-css.htm 17187 2017-12-20
category-data.htm 8316 2017-12-20
category-deferred-object.htm 12772 2017-12-20
category-deprecated.htm 25563 2017-12-20
category-deprecated-deprecated-1.3.htm 4697 2017-12-20
category-deprecated-deprecated-1.7.htm 7301 2017-12-20
category-deprecated-deprecated-1.8.htm 7699 2017-12-20
category-deprecated-deprecated-1.9.htm 4186 2017-12-20
category-deprecated-deprecated-1.10.htm 3700 2017-12-20
category-deprecated-deprecated-3.0.htm 6271 2017-12-20
category-dimensions.htm 7682 2017-12-20
category-effects.htm 15707 2017-12-20
category-effects-basics.htm 2949 2017-12-20
category-effects-custom-effects.htm 7690 2017-12-20
category-effects-fading.htm 3727 2017-12-20
category-effects-sliding.htm 3077 2017-12-20
category-events.htm 47424 2017-12-20
category-events-browser-events.htm 3715 2017-12-20
category-events-document-loading.htm 5596 2017-12-20
category-events-event-handler-attachment.htm 8865 2017-12-20
category-events-event-object.htm 15452 2017-12-20
category-events-form-events.htm 5901 2017-12-20
category-events-keyboard-events.htm 3383 2017-12-20
category-events-mouse-events.htm 7774 2017-12-20
category-forms.htm 9906 2017-12-20
category-internals.htm 5968 2017-12-20
category-manipulation.htm 37715 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-class-attribute.htm 4936 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-copying.htm 2526 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-dom-insertion-around.htm 4112 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-dom-insertion-inside.htm 4983 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-dom-insertion-outside.htm 3842 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-dom-removal.htm 3950 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-dom-replacement.htm 3091 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-general-attributes.htm 5205 2017-12-20
category-manipulation-style-properties.htm 11116 2017-12-20
category-miscellaneous.htm 9386 2017-12-20
category-miscellaneous-collection-manipulation.htm 3628 2017-12-20
category-miscellaneous-data-storage.htm 3349 2017-12-20
category-miscellaneous-dom-element-methods.htm 3853 2017-12-20
category-miscellaneous-setup-methods.htm 2557 2017-12-20
category-offset.htm 6092 2017-12-20
category-properties.htm 13312 2017-12-20
category-properties-global-jquery-object-properties.htm 7788 2017-12-20
category-properties-jquery-object-instance-properties.htm 5237 2017-12-20
category-removed.htm 16130 2017-12-20
category-selectors.htm 52544 2017-12-20
category-selectors-attribute-selectors.htm 10264 2017-12-20
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